February 3, 2020
February 3, 2020 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On February 3, 2020
- Friendships. How a friend treats others.
Have you ever had a friendship who you've witnessed treating others w disrespect? Did that change your perception of him/her? Would you feel like it's your place to address it? Is disrespect towards OTHERS, a deal breaker for your friendship?
- Should I continue to work despite my limitations?
I'm going through a phase in my life where I'm beginning to feel stuck, isolated and depressed. I went from sleeping three hours at night to not sleeping all night. Now I'm losing interest in eating like my appetite is gone. Right now I am staying I am st
- Libra experiences with Scorpio..how do you deal ?
I’m a libra (libra Virgo cusp) and I usually have friction with scorpios. They try to manipulate, dominate, control , and invalidate my experience. It’s super obvious and I end up embarrassing them when it gets too much. I have another Scorpio male that e
- Frustrated with cancer woman.. or should I say toddler
I read @M00Nchild's thread on dealing with an immature cancer.. jeez its pretty bad.. I'm a taurus male, and I got trapped in between a very manipulative pretty much golddigging cancer.. Problem is, I had enough and kind of "burned the bridge" but its a s
- Does he fall in and out of love quickly ?
Hello can someone help me interpret this guy’s personality ?
Thank you
Born on May 28th 1987
Sun Gemini
Moon Gemini
Mercury Gemini
Venus Taurus
Mars cancer
Jupiter Aries
Saturn Sagittarius
Uranus Sagittarius
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto scorpio
- My Taurus guy; justified or unreasonably jealous?
It was my guys weekend with his kid and we were to meet up after he dropped him off. He is always vague with details such as a specific time, but when it comes to his kid, I never question him
The husband of a friend was at a Super Bowl party I was at an
- Cheating Zodiac Signs From Personal Experience.
People that you know that have cheated on their partners, what are their astrological signs ??
- Insight (Trying this again)
Ok, giving this another shot! Hopefully it makes sense. This is the MOST confusing Taurus I have ever met. She speaks in Riddles, and often wants me to believe what she says vs what something looks like, because she doesnt see it as I do....
Ok So Just l
- Men, how would you feel about your woman sending you flowers?
I know its 2020 and all, but would you appreciate flowers or would you feel weird about it?
- Favorite Dates
What were some of your favorite date experiences and why?
I think one of mine was off roading on a beautiful Spring Day...
- Taurus man how do you feel about Male Competition?
How do you handle Competition when you made up your mind about a Woman? Every Taurus man is different, some suddenly turn into Aries beast mode, other dgaf,
what about you? Some are really emotionally invested when they are interested in one, and
- Cancers can be cold
When someone plays with our emotions, we can be oh so cold towards that person. We can detach like no other being and act like that person don't even exist no more. It's a trait I don't like but it's in a cancerian's nature.