February 13, 2020
February 13, 2020 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 13
Topics Created On February 13, 2020
- That question everyone ponders...
Is being passionate about things good? Or are you just crazy?
- New idea for TV show.....
So I had this dream last night there was this murder house and some greasy fat guy was running it. But the twist was he was living with other killers! And they would all present their grisly horrors as gifts to each other. Also twist of twists these peopl
- Do you agree with this list? Healthy Relationships
Speak Up. In a healthy relationship, if something is bothering you, it’s best to talk about it instead of holding it in.
Respect Each Other. Your partner’s wishes and feelings have value, and so do yours. Let your significant other know you are making an
- Why would a guy want to hear about my sex life?
I really would like to here from men on this, but if there is women who like to hear about guys sex life please tell why. There is this guy who wants me to tell him about all my sex adventures. Why would he want to know? Do some people get off on that?
- Top 3 best matches for Gemini male
Not that I'm in search for a match. I'm just kinda going with the flow to keep this trend going.
I need to know who the best 3 candidates for gemini males.
And think real hard on this one before posting because Geminis are special people in comparison
- What would a pisces man's thoughts be about dating someone significantly younger than him?
He's 34, I'm 23. We get along very well, and have the same interests in weird music and shows.
We were initially just hooking up, but he initiated going out on dates, and doing fun things outside the house. He has given us pet names and loves to touch me
- Am I bad for not having my parents on Facebook?
The only social media I have is Facebook but for some reason I like to keep some things private and that's why I don't have my parents on Facebook. I wouldn't like them being nosy and knowing everything I do or reading everything that comes out of my m
- top 3 worst matches for libra females
- Top 3 matches for Aqua moon... lol...
Do we even match
- Best match?
Fine. I've seen enough, I'm basic and a follower, who loves us and vibes with us Sag chicks the best!?
- Sag and Cap Moons
I thought I was the only sag mooner who seemed to be attracted to the cap moons. Until I saw this forum. I get along with them as I am half-introverted too. Maybe not all cap moons arent introverted but the ones Ive dealt with are at least mildly so