February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 25
Topics Created On February 25, 2020
- Help regarding Pisces woman
Hello guys,
So long story short, I was going out with a Pisces woman for over 4 years. I do not know her moon, sun etc. What I can say is she is very much identical to what I read about the Pisces star sign online. It was nothing but a great relationsh
- Pisces woman strange behaviour
Hey guys,
Long story short I was in a relationship with a Pisces woman for 4 years. All was well, going great, no issues and couldn't ask for anything better - especially as feelings were definitely mutual. The only thing that used to be a slight tensio
- Help Needed please
I am a Sagittarius male i am 28 years of age i have recently for the past two months been together with a 27 year old Gemini woman.
Here's my problem she has a Ex partner who is also a Sagittarius man and he was very mean to her in there relationship h
- I Need Help from a Gemini please
I am a Sagittarius male i am 28 years of age i have recently for the past two months been together with a 27 year old Gemini woman.
Here's my problem she has a Ex partner who is also a Sagittarius man and he was very mean to her in there relationship h
- I Need Help from a Gemini please
I am a Sagittarius male i am 28 years of age i have recently for the past two months been together with a 27 year old Gemini woman.
Here's my problem she has a Ex partner who is also a Sagittarius man and he was very mean to her in there relationship h
- Are there certain placements consistent in those you date?
For me it’s Aries, Capricorn, Pisces. Sometimes Libra/Gemini Venus or mars.
What’s your sign, placements or whatever you’d like to add?
I’m Sag sun
Aqua moon
Cap merc, Venus & mars.
Scorpio MC
Pisces Chiron
Cancer NN
- what in the chart
would indicate dark, family secrets?
- why are aquarius women
always getting abused in relationships?
they put up with so much crap from people.
this probably not a popular opinion about them astrologically but i've found that they are probably the most submissive and conforming of all signs.
still my fave sign t
- Are Aries men too attached to their moms??
Aries men seem to be too emotionally dependent on their parents especially mother's. Is this true???
- Aries man with Libra rising??
What do you have to say about this combination?? Is he too sensitive or too confused??
- Zoning Out When Girlfriend Talks
I'm guilty. You probably are too...
I keep doing it with my Aqua chick. I don't know why. Maybe what she talking about isn't too interesting, or I can't keep up. She talks really slow and carefully (Capricorn Mercury), but she can say a mouth full and wo
- What sign was your longest relationship? 💕
What was their moon sign?
I’ll go first Sun in Virgo & moon in cancer
- Hello people of the Aqua Nation 👋
I have something to ask... So he was always looking at me at church. And I at him.
He talked to my pastor for 3 months about who I was and what was my name.
And I asked about him.
This has been happening since November.
2 weeks ago she said he wanted to
- Free therapy and counseling by SassyKiwi
I am here for you. Tell of all that ails thy soul. All problems are welcome :D
- Asking a pisces guy out..
If a pisces guy texts often, is very sweet and touchy when we meet, but doesn't initiate dates, should I bother continuing to ask him out or is he just not interested?
The last time I asked him out, he already had plans with his friends, but invited me t
- Aries
What the heck this behaviour mean from a man,an aries man.The first bet would be that he is an idiot but lets see if there are other options.
On our discussions he said might be afraid i wont like him.We planned a date he said one hour before he has somet