February 17, 2020
February 17, 2020 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 17
Topics Created On February 17, 2020
- Not So Secret life of LIMM and the Hot Neighbor
Some have asked and the moment has come.
You may be wondering why this is in the Virgo forum...Well, I'm a Virgo...I know, shocking. It's ok...you can cry on my shoulder and we will get thru it together.
These are my stories told by none other than y
- Your rising sign expained
Um...see if any of you can resignate with this
Aries Rising
Aries January 2019 Sex Horoscope Predictions
If your rising sign is Aries, then you can bet you have a strong sense of identity and an entrepreneurial spirit, O’Reilly says, adding: “You dive
- Virgo is not reliable
So my boyfriend is not reliable at all!!
He got sun, venus, moon, mars and mercury in Virgo with Gemini rising
Says he will give me a Wine bottle because he doesn't drink wine and forget it 3 times.
Says he will tell me his free days I should wait... he
- Are you comfortable being groped in your relationship?
Do you have a man who grabs your breast or ass randomly, when he walks by you, while you're sleeping, in front of guests, in public places, throughout the day etc?
How do you feel about that?
Had a chat with my partner about this last week as I noticed
- Venus in Astrology
- Mercury Rx OMG
Who gives a fuck
- Two-Faced Behaviour
What is your opinion on people who say horrible things about certain individuals behind their backs, but then suck up to them to their face.?
I know someone at the gym who has insulted two instructors behind their backs yet has gone out of their way to at
- how come
women never warn men about another female manipulating them?
like this woman recognizes another female running game on someone
but they..... just let it happen like some kinda omerta lol
meanwhile, men often try to warn men and women alike
is that a