February 7, 2020
February 7, 2020 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 7
Topics Created On February 7, 2020
- A Night(s) at the Opera #5: Young and the Restless
we'll try @aquarius09
theres gonna be tons of gaps tho unfortunately
- Aquarius female and leo man
Hi just had a question on whether I should keep pursuing my leo man or if I should just give up. First let me say I just got out of a marriage before I met the leo man and he had just gotten out of a relationship a few months into talking to me. So in tot
- Leo man and Aquarius female help
Long story short I met my leo and hit it off great he really made the effort to get to know me and be romantic. I had just gotten out of a marriage and he had just got out of a relationship after he started talking to me (she moved). I said at the beginni
- Leo women Cappy man
I'm Leo Im in a relationship with cap for 10 months first 5 months was amazing he committed that he loves me and that he wants to marry me once he gets the job.
He was always pessimistic about the job and that he has a bad luck I standed by his side alwa
- Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman
Hello all,
I am Sun Virgo with other 3 Virgo placements in my chart and my boyfriend is Sun Scorpio with 3 important placements in Scorpio as well :) from the very beginning he never hesitated to show his interest in me, he is very attentive almost to the
- Virgo Woman & Scorpio Man
Hello all,
I am Sun Virgo with other 3 Virgo placements in my chart and my boyfriend is Sun Scorpio with 3 important placements in Scorpio as well :D from the very beginning he never hesitated to show his interest in me, he is very attentive almost to the
- Cap cutting me off are we over?
I was in a relationship with cap for 10 months first 5 months was amazing he committed that he loves me and that he wants to marry me once he gets the job.
He was always pessimistic about the job and that he has a bad luck I standed by his side always he
- Did cell phones ruined the virgo man game.
Every man like their alone time that is why man cave is a thing. But I do think base on astrology some men of certain sign like there alone time more than others. I love my alone time and every Virgo I know as well, even the women. So now that we live in
- I hate gemini males
Little fucking weasels. Sneaking and snooping around trying to gain prosperity by flapping fucking gums & running fucking mouth. All talk & only put on good show for pea brain mucus clogged assholes. No allegiance shoe shining boot licking clitior
- If you had a theme song what would it be
- Any sags with cancer mars?
I’m confident that my cancer Mars, Venus Aries is what makes me hard to understand by others. I just wish to see somebody with the same sun and mars and see if I’m right. So are there any Sagittarius here with a cancer Mars??? Thank you