February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 2
Topics Created On February 2, 2020
- Why does llhe do this? Is it a power thing?
So my Sag and I spent a perfect five days together. But now that I'm home, I've barely heard from him. Thursday called but nothing yesterday or today. I sent a few messages that have been read.
He is very busy moving this weekend so I wasn't expecting m
- Cancer man.. Aquarius/pisces cusp female... driving me nuts does he even care?
Hey so not going to give a long story to bore you. I have a bf I live w/ but I don't want him. I believe he is actually seeing someone secretly. So I met this cancer man 3 months back at an event he hosts. We had sex, he told me he genuinely likes me, he
- Pendulums
I've recently started getting into pendulums. Well, one in particular. It kept calling to me. It is made out of Rose Quartz(one of my fav. Crystals) and I got it from work. You hear people talk about Crystal's calling to them and that's usually how I pick
- Zodiac Signs As Creative Lanes
Aries: Director. A clear vision, assertive manners, innate leadership skills; thematic leitmotivs, personal obsessions shaped in childhood; a penchant for the efficiency of means and the shoulders to carry a whole production; this is their project first T
- Libra moons
Do tell. What are you guys like?