February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 2
Topics Created On February 2, 2015
- Best webseries to date
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjRnDdAmGeQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPwUmLQh2es https://www.youtube.com/wa
- Advice for an Aries woman on an aquaman pls!
I've been casually seeing this aquaman for a year now, for the 1st 9 mths it's worked well. I always leave it to him to
- Does your scorpio buy you gifts?
And what does he buy you? Recently my scorpio has been buying me things. He just started doing this. We're long dista
- im not mysterious
But I know Scorpio likes me. What are other things that can turn a Scorpio man on even if a girl isn't mysterious? Ho
- where does this taurus f stand?
I have a small crush on Aquarius we used to go to Hugh school together but only recently started talking, he's very flir
- Who's sarcastic?
- Ugh need some HELP
Last night, I was at a party with some friends including a scorpio and aries that i am familiar with. Last night has
- Fairy Tale Zodiac
- Lack of Attraction For Sex Gods!!!
Crab girl here, I'm wondering why is it that I seem to be not attracted to Scorpios for anything other than friendship.T
- Midnight Conversation
... taupixie: (calls out his naaame) him: yeah taupixie: let's go somewhere him: where taupixie: anywhere :D (no a
- help with pisces man
Well,First my Pisces man approach me,did all the sweet talks,going out on a date with me and when I share my feelings to
- Moon Waxing and Full Moon Tommorow...
What's your mood cancerians ??? Are you extrovert or introverts during a full moon??? Feel happy or sad???
- Banks (singer) Gemini... :)
Here is another artist that I love!! Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon :) http://youtu.be/NL9T42SVnN0
- Vegetarian recipes...
I've been vegetarian now a few weeks and am trying to keep it fresh with the meal ideas, no pun intended. I know we h
- She drives me so crazy
Im a scorpio but this is like a moth to a flame...I just give up. Ill be her friend and talk when she calls but im not t
- I'm a libra, she is a libra....
I'm a libra male and i have been watching this girl in my class for a while. Last week she came and approached me out of
- How much do libras enjoy receiving gifts?
This may seem as a dumb question, but I'm just curious, do you actually appreciate the thoughtfulness of your S/O's gift
- How spiritual are Libras by nature?
I know Tauruses and Cancers are usually spiritual beings, but what about Libras? Does the spiritual and moral world inte
- Male Libra Moon, who are you?
Tell me about yourself..... :)
- Good book for a young adult about angels?
I love spiritual books, the last one I read was a series about a girl whos guardian angels falls in love with her, AMAZI
- Sports salaries
Do athletes deserve to make 6+ figures a year compared to other types of professions/professionals that make much less a
- House Placements
How do you know the different houses your horoscope signs are in?
- Do you guys get sick easily?
I find that my Pisces Sun and Moon friends get sick pretty easily. Is it b/c you get stressed or run down easier? Have