February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On February 9, 2015
- Your sun, mercury, moon & venus in the 12th house?
Tell me about it ??? how do you handle relationships and how do you express yourself? Is it true that you tend to hide y
- Fifty Shades of Grey
A Valentines Day release. How nice lol.. anyone going to watch this?
- cancerian advice
What should i do to get my boyfriend back......he is a cancerian...very temperamental..,..but caring....short tempered b
- What's in the chart?
I'm not sure what any of this means so I was hoping someone could break it down for me. Lol 1st person Sun- Caprico
- Is it possible to have 10/1?
My daughters DOB is 03-14-2000. It works out at 10. I can't figure how to use the Dan Millman book to find out her life
- When Men have Sisters
Do you think it helps them in dating?
- What makes a meterosexual?
Is there a spectrum? A line that can clearly seen before its crossed? Where does good hygiene and body care turn into
I dont know what to do because my leo friend over 20 years is ignoring me , he text me on 02.02.2014 to say he is sorry
- Which crazy side of a sign do you like best?
Or at least tolerate best? Each sign has their own crazy. Just curious as to how much crazy of each sign you can tolerat
I dont know what to do because my leo friend over 20 years is ignoring me , he text me on 02.02.2014 to say he is sorry
- Pleeesa GEMS interpret what he Means by this?!
I just had coffee with my guy friend and he was walking me to my car, when he started talking about the power women have
- Venus Cancer, Gem Guy...typical mind VS Heart?
I just had coffee with my guy friend and he was walking me to my car, when he started talking about the power women have
- Retrograde
Any one having a hard time at the moment - cap split up with for the millionth time. It all got too much I wanted him to
- 5th House: Heart and Children
- Capricorn mars/venus (Aqua sun)
Boyfriend: Aqua sun, Taurus moon, with Capricorn in mars & venus. Me: Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, with Scorpio in mars &
- Nympho scorpio :-(
Boyfriend: Aqua sun, Taurus moon, with Capricorn in mars & venus. Me: Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, with Scorpio in mars &
- Aqua, when how where what? I need your sex secrets
Boyfriend: Aqua sun, Taurus moon, with Capricorn in mars & venus. Me: Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, with Scorpio in mars &
- Typical scorpio games or is he just playing me?
Hello everyone! Warning this is going to be long. I am a leo woman who is involved in a relationship with a
- I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss him :(
I really don't know what I'm doing anymore. I feel sad at not distancing myself. I don't like hurting people or making
- Women and drama
Why in the h*ll do women cause drama in a man's life? I live in a drama free zone the way I like it? TREE TRUNKING why d
- Hey Aquarians, has anyone ever called you boring?
Just curious
- Your favorite natal aspects?
What do you love most about your chart and why do you do that? I want to know
- Grammy Awards 2015
Until last night I did not know that this show is so important in the USA. President sent an important message during Aw
- How to perfect my poker face
I've been working at it for years but still find myself speaking through my eyes and don't know how to stop. This Ari
- Raised by goats/crabs
Either one or both of your parents are/were a Capricorn or Cancer? Share your experience? Were they the leader in th
- Why do we always go back?
When will we learn to just walk away?
- How to cope with a situation like this
Years ago one of my best friends told me out of the blue that he was moving out of state (basically he was moving in 2 w
- The Ugly truth part two
of retarded ass scorpios who like to ride our clits. What are your thoughts rammies :D
- transit Saturn in 7th house?
So Saturn is moving into my 7th house in a day or so I think. I was wondering what are your guys's experiences of it wer