February 21, 2015
February 21, 2015 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 4.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 21
Topics Created On February 21, 2015
- Gruesome Reality of Custer's Last Stand
They call it Gruesome Reality of Custer's Last Stand but they don't show anything that is gruesome. I can understand
- Water or Earth?
Would a water sign (cancer, scorpio, pisces) or an earth sign (taurus, virgo, capricorn) be better suited for a gemini?
- Another confussing Cancer man
So, we met in October at work, flirted for a month and then starting hanging out since. Everything was great, he is fun,
- Aries son and Virgo mother.
I'm Aries sun and moon and after studing living out of country for a decade in finally getting time to live with my mom.
- Dating People with Kids
I thought I could do this but I dont know if I can. This is a new experience for me and im kinda uncomfortable about
- Thanks Dr. Seuss
Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You
- DAYUM Chinese Women are brutal
- Songs For The Open Road. Songs of Freedom.
This is for the music that encompass the feeling of how you feel on those long drives to those special places. The songs
- Leo Moons vs Leo Suns
What's your experience having a Leo Moon? How do you relate to Leo Suns? Is your Moon easily expressed through your
- 5 Zodiac signs most likely to cheat.
How true is it? Read on. Gemini, Pisces, Leos, Scorpios and Libras, Do not hate me! But, I am curious about how true is
- Threads Like This
Just make me want to just shoot myself.
- Does it take longer for Scorpio to commit suicide?
Not always. Depends on the method.
- Have You Ever Wanted To Drive Off A Cliff?
- Scorpio man returns with an axe
Needs to get more wood for the fire.
- OTHER zodiac creature you most identify with?
Looking at the twelve zodiac creatures, do you feel drawn to/identify with any of them in particular (other than your ow
- Bright Secrets
Is it a scorpio thing but people just feel uncomfortable disclosing their dark secrets or showing the shawdow self. Do y
- Sharing my birth chart...
- I use, therefore I am?
. Capricorn's motto relates to its office - which concerns structuring and bringing order to chaos. What do you do when
- gemini & leo
sun:gemini moon:virgo mercury:gemini venus:gemini sun:leo moon:aries mercury:cancer venus:cancer good match
- The MOON Tonight...
Rare And Mysterious Planetary Conjunction Occurs Tonight Will you be watching the skies tonight? There is a rar
- I love team work!
Im so glad with everyone's efforts we were able to eliminate Stihl46 post! Lets keep it going if he keeps deciding to tr
- I'm curious...
Do you think people should strive to save a dying civilization or let it decay, decline and rot and just enjoy the decli
- Leo & Gemini
sun:gemini moon:virgo mercury:gemini venus:gemini sun:leo moon:aries mercury:cancer venus:cancer good match
- Taurus Chick
Used to talk to this taurus girl with some problematic past, she used to drink when she was a teen, i never asked, but b
- Are Cancer men really THAT GOOD at oral sex?
I've seen some posts/articles/forums that say they are but does anyone have any first hand experience/s?
- Any Gems been w/ a Cancer??
Hi Gems, Just curious...Any of you had a relationship with a Crab? How did it turn out/what happened? Also, what are y
- A question for Cap men out there!
What is most important and dearest to you; the wife or the woman who fullfill your desires? Pick only one, you cant have
- Sagittarius male - Libra female
I was in a short term relationship with one libra girl last year, we hit it off instantly, and the chemistry was there f
- Damnata, if you want to talk to me.
Come over here at the boards. No chatting for me. Lay all your cards now. This is it.