February 17, 2015
February 17, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 17
Topics Created On February 17, 2015
- experiences with Leo children
Raising a Leo boy, and going to start researching his chart. Would like to hear about any parental or sibling experience
- Porn Charity
Came across this on my Youtube suggestions and felt for the cause. So I'm putting this out for more people to be awar
- Aquarius moons: sleep and doors.
Do you like sleeping with the door open? I like to make sure it's closed with a lock before I sleep. (.u. ) lik
- Scorpio MARS...Lovers become possessions?
I was wondering...My Gem ex w/Gem Venus has Scorpio Mars and no matter how many times I break up with him he persistentl
- really?!
what happened with the dxp illuminati lol
- Dear crabs
And to the single, cutie butt crab women who are high in character, compassion and cooking skills:
- Aries work and love partner with Aquarius
need to understand more about Aquarius... ... i would like to put it in bullet format, so it will be more easy for ever
- Bates Motel season 1 + 2?
Yes very much a good series.. but nothing is better than AHS..or not? Your thoughts..
- Paris Anyone?
Has anyone here ever been to Paris? Post your experience about what it is like.I am planning to visit this beautiful ci
- A virgo/taurus thang...
I have been seeing a Taurus man on and off for a little over a year now and we've become very close over the past two mo
- Flakey Virgo!!
Virgos please give me your input!!!! I'm a taurus male & I've known this virgo female for a couple of years now, we wen
- need some enlightenment
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0 Sun Capricorn 15.38 Ascendant Leo 12.59 Moon Libra 0.31 II Virgo 10.57 M
- Cancer man disappearance
I sent my cancer guy a text telling him how I feel about him and how I'd like us to stop all the games and if we could k
- Virgo just stalks you for life after you dump them
Lesson learned the hardway...
- Taurus Male acting different PLEASE help
Ive been dating I guess you can say this guy for a month now. We click like crazy. Been seeing each other every weekend
- Racking my brain
I am a Cancer male and I've been dating a Taurus woman for about 2 and a half months now. We both agreed that we were no
- Your sex drive....
Would you consider yourself to have a high, moderate or low sex drive??? How often do you feel you need it? Where is
- Do Taurus Men step back when feelings get deep ?
Just curious if feelings my grow heavy between a taurus and someone , myself also a taurus , is it possible they may pul
- Why Cops Need To Be Armed
- Capricorn Confessions
So, once again our collective dominating presence made quite few folks go all weak in knees and bowwed down to us. Mumbl
- Chinese Astrology explained for Western Astrologer
http://plutobananas.wix.com/psychedelicmon#!about1/c1gra Hello everyone! I'm Pluto Corona. If anyone is interested in
- If you had nothing at home to cook but onions
- How to help out fish?
I'm curious as to what behaviors and actions would be conducive to making an environment positive for them. In general,
- Join the Pants Revolution!
Who wears the pants in the relationship? Pull up your pants? That belt does not go with those pants! Common everyday p
- Place really went downhill
At least it looks like it. Whats new?
- momentary scorpio hate
A scorpio friend was supposed to help someone in my country carry a package to me and the damned scorpio sneaked over wi