February 10, 2015
February 10, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 10
Topics Created On February 10, 2015
- Scorpios,,,. I can't stop crying. Hurt &confused
Valentine's will be my 1 yr anniversary 4 scorpio and I Aqua. He took my daughter 2 a father daughter ball.At the end.
- aqua males, how would u feel-react, respond to
- What is your exercise routine
Most aquas I know are always physically active. Why do you do it?
- DXP Secret Valentine 2015
Send me your messages you want posted on this thread regarding someone here that you secretly have a crush on. You don't
- Gemini Women
Have you ever felt like you were some kind of star ship?
- Advice from friends vs astrology
Sure, friends are great to go to for advice. They mean well. They love you and do their best to steer you in the right d
- LIBRA male TAURUS female experiences anyone?
Does anyone have any experiences or stories they have had and could share regarding a Libra male and Taurus female roman
- 7th house and Eros...
Whats yours?? 7th house Cancer, Eros Cancer... Eros in Cancer - Descendant in Cancer If Eros is in the sign Can
- The Retention Pond
After seeing a spate of snippy individual posts about Cancers in different threads, I thought to create this thread wher
- Retrograde Pluto in scorpio in the 7th house
What can you tell me about this? Is this bad/good? Couldn't find a description through google.
- Thank God
My life has been saved my a gemini male who does not mind an adhd lady.
- How To Have The Talk
Surfing the internet and came across this article from anewmode.com Thought some might be interested in reading it since
- Is this really typical male cancer behavior?
I met this really great cancer guy, we got along so well, and had so much in common. I upset him and he said we would t
- Damnata
Make a list of users here by moon sign. Also ascendant while you're at it.
- Creativity
How creative do you think you are? Been drawing a lot more of what I see lately and applying it to my works. More so und
- Does anyone know how to interpret gypsy cards
I as ked a question about the near future and got love, some money, officier at the top, falseness at the bottom, and lo
- Advice on this fire girls watery chart please? :)
Haven't really had a good look into my chart before so any insight/knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Sorry it's on
- The Red Moon
About two years ago, there was this incident called The Red Moon a.k.a. The Blood Moon. I was staring at it for
- My 7th house offends me
The descriptions for Libra 7th make it sound like my rising is a some sort of animal needing domestication. Seriously,I
- North node in synastry?
It's so hard to find info on this stuff. I have Someone who's nn is in my 5th house in Scorpio & conjunct my moon and Pl
- Magnetic attraction to Pisces?
I have always wondered if you Scorpio's are magnetically attracted to Pisces? Our bond has its claim to fame as the most
- Virgo Sun Aries Moon Man is stalking my friend
Can anyone give me any insight on Virgo Sun Aries moon placement? My friend broke up with him after a year of dating bec