February 25, 2015
February 25, 2015 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 25
Topics Created On February 25, 2015
- do my placements make me unemotional?
sun/moon: gemini sag rising aries venus gemini mars taurus mercury I don't find myself that emotional, but what do
- Make up your mind
Ok I have threads here regarding my Aqua guy and me the Leo lady. It's been 4 months that we know each other, not dating
- Cap man with sag AC and sag venus - I like
This cap man isn't my type at all - on the outside blonde and crystal clear blue eyes - but on the inside he charms me a
- Scorpio-Taurus/ Eros-Epithemia
I share an interesting text. http://www.astrologynyc.org/storage/articles/Saturn_and_Sex_in_Scorpio.pdf
- Taurus
I've been with this Taurus girl for 3.5 months. I'm a Pisces and I very much align with the whole fall in love easily
- Tarot Birth Cards
tarot birth card calculator a friend just introduced this to me over the weekend. seems linked somehow to numerology
- MARS in Taurus
Everyone already knows we do a slow burn, when it comes to anger... and when we've had enough, what follows is of
- Shooting Dogs - right or wrong?
What if a neighbor's dogs kept coming onto your property and you had multiple conversations with the owner asking them t
- Workaholics
Do you know any? Are you one? What would their/your chart look like? Is Mars the culprit behind someones workah
- Gemini male attitude change?
So I've been friends with a Gemini guy for almost 2 years.... After one drunk night, where he said he loves me and expre
- Pisces is the introverted Sagittarius
Says astrolocherry.com What do you think?
- This Scorp
I used to see this scorpio male who works with me.. and then a few weeks ago I believe I caught him in a lie so I ended
- What house is your Taurus in, and are u
That area of your life? 10th house and i take forever to make a move in my career.