February 24, 2015
February 24, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 24
Topics Created On February 24, 2015
- This made me pretty happy
Any Harry Potter fans out there? I got Voldemort. Yeah, I'm a bad ass. http://www.buzzfeed.com/katieheaney/which-harr
- The shirtless Gemini on Aquarian femininity
- Kristen Doute Vanderpump rules..Taurus Moon
Is she an Aqua or a Pisces.. She was born on Feb 19th so without her time, who knows? However, she has Taurus Moon,
- Capricorn Men exposed!
Curse you! Vedic be telling folks too much! This might cause us old goat men to be hunted down by the rest of the zodiac
- Virgo Completely Dropped Me?
Hello, I am a Cap lady. My story is a little weird but I need some advice. I met this Virgo male in a gaming community.
- Thesis Hangover
Statement of the Problem Do people take DXP seriously? Research Methodology This research employs the aid of a
- Our generations delayed adulthood
http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_generation_y_needs_from_parents The above article talks about one o
- If you could add a disclaimer/signature..
..at the end of your every post, like they do on other forums.. What would it be? A quote, a joke, some aspects in yo
- Taurus Sun/Virgo Moon/Gemini Mercury
I have this Taurus acquaintance (not romantic) and he comes of flaky as hell. He asks if we can meet to study, calls to
- SCOPRIO MAN-suspect and insecure?????
I'm Libra Sun and Aqua moon and my BF is Scoprio!!! He is the very first SCOPRIO I date in my life.He is super hot and s
- Scorpio woman - shy or not interested?
I'm a 27 year old woman. About a month ago I met a girl, who for some reason got my attention and now I have a very hard
- I don't think I'm meant to have a boyfriend..
I play to many games, and I become distant when I don't get enough attention.. I HATE it.. I crave to be loved and adore
- Help me tame my inner food hoe
So when food is made for me by an attractive women I know, my moon automatically wonders if I'm supposed to give my body
- How does Virgo man show interest?
I met a guy on a dating site. He lives like a hour away. He is a doctor and also going to school to do another residency
- saturn in scorpio for 2015
http://www.jessicaadams.com/2013/12/04/saturn-in-scorpio-and-your-horoscope/ From imprisonment, to liberation, throu
- Cancer Risings are Adorable
- PM's... anyone else unable to access?
They're just perpetually Loading... Thanks.
- ***Happy Birthday AfternoonDelights22***
Cheers, my friend and best wishes to you!
- First time member, long time lurker
Hello everybody, a little introduction now that I have decided to come out of the shadows. I found this place while goog
- Plus-sized women
Just saw a blog about this. What are your thoughts? Big women are usually more humble since they aren't preferred a
- Dear Capricorn Rising
This video is to show we love you guys. Take it or leave. TLS, Implusv, and Rabbit have to accept this or else I will te
- Any Libra girl with ascendant in Sagittarius?
Do you always cheat? I know that libra girls love parties, love to smoke, and drink, and you prefer relationships...but
- For all the Cat Ladies
The ultimate place to work! Scruffles, this needs to be your place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlyH3M7zpPY#t=43
- My Cancer/Pisces game plan on Aqua, opinion?
SORRY FOR THE LONG POST but wanted it to be very detailed for you to understand. The Scenario; Everything was fastly p
- How would you describe me if you saw this chart?
Male Cancer/Leo cusp Rising: Aries Sun: Cancer Moon: Leo Mercury: Leo Venus: Gemini Mars: Cancer Jupiter: Aqu
- Cancer Rising/PiscesMoon Game plan??
SORRY FOR THE LONG POST but wanted it to be very detailed for you to understand. The Scenario; Everything was fastly p
- tips on showing appreciation to a Cancer
My CancerDude gets in his bouts where he says I don't show my appreciation for him and what not. I know part of this is
- Capricorns Primal way of making deep love
RIP Peter Steele January 4, 1962 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DbnUseigbs
- Weirdnes......
Glorious weirdness!!! :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcvyzK0fkLQ