February 16, 2015
February 16, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 16
Topics Created On February 16, 2015
- The Deli Slicer In The Morgue
- Does this mean that this cancer guy likes me?
So we have been flirting on and off for 3 months now. But last week out of the blue he called me and said that someth
- I love dxp
^^ I love all you dxpers. I love that we're all interested in the deep mysteries. I love y'all. _3 //www.youtube.com/
- is it bad when every man you meet wants to with u?
An aries woman just told that its bad that almost every who come in contact with me wants to be with me, she says I wont
- Cancery Song
//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg_ECFpSceA Fellow cancer sun >Courtney Love??_ Ladies and Gents.~ And this song... just.
- Wow ....
Killing ex's, how to be a bitch to no one wants to marry her, weird tentacle porn and stupid trashy porn ... The Sco
- Please help me....Gems
Want to know about this girl with DOB 15th of June 1992, how to should I treat her? How to keep her?
- Come here All scorps...
Anyone can tell about this Date of Birth 9th November 1992? Want to know everything U can tell. Waiting impatiently fo
- taurus and scorpio
I never have crushes on Taurus man but always feel a deep bond with them. its never love at first sight I just genuinely
- Lets Talk about Romance
I found this on Facebook and thought it speaks truth. I agree with it. So, what are YOUR thoughts on romance.
- Cancer woman problems
My Cancer ex girlfriend is giving me some weird mixed signals. When we initially broke up she would contact me a lot, em
- scorpio men
I like a scorpio men for a long time and I'm not sure if he is interested in me or not. He did a lot of eye contact with
- Full list of Aries Moons
..via astrotheme.com. I wanted to do this for a while but, as with all moons, there's a lot of them. I'll post all
- Bobbi Kristina
I don't usually start topics, but this child is on my heart. Posting on the pisces board since she is a sister fish w
- Winks
- loving ppl with mental disorder
would you be with anyone with a condition like schizophrenia
- M.Night Shyamalan
what a shit director
- How to get back a cancer man?
I really need some tips about how to win back a cancer man. We loved each other but my aggressiveness seem to be too muc
- Get er done...
I always thought my get er done mentality was from my Gem Sun, or Scorpio Moon.. After watching this video, I really
- HELP! with my Taurus Man
I am having trouble with my life at home not with my Taurus man so I told him my problems he said he felt bad and felt l
- response from aqua ex-bf baffling me
I was hoping someone enlighten me re a comment made by my ex-bf. I sent this to dirtyfrank also to c what he thought. I
- skin tone and jewelry
i know i have olive skin, but i guess i never really realized that there's a color scheme for you skin color type. th
- Which is harder?
Searching for love & not being able to find it thus far Or Letting go of the love you once had? Honestly, when I
- the Scorpio forum was already messed up
just like everything else in the world we found it messed up and we are going to mess it up even further. so just sit ba
- The Tortured Artists, The insatiable Geniuses
Isn???t a person just a collection of their mistakes, and also their, kind of, undoing of their mistakes? I mean, what
- A potential partner moving fast?
Tauruses.... How resposnsive are you to a potential partner who is moving too fast. This is just out of curiosity.
- Order of Importance
Yes, all are important. -SEX -LOVE -TIME -TRUST But what is the order that truly matters to you as a person in
- Scorpio Man/Cancer Woman
I met this cancer woman not too long ago. I was instantly drawn to her and I asked her if I could see her some time.
- Childhood Stuff
I am curious to find out about childhood in different parts of the world. What games you played? What objects you rem
- Youtube mocked my Taurus Moon
I seriously got recommended this. http://youtu.be/e2nQ2xi6-Eg