February 26, 2015
February 26, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 26
Topics Created On February 26, 2015
- Pisces anthem candidate
Post song(s) that according to you can capture Pisces the best. Thank you.
- Living in a Post Apopalyptic World...
Let's imagine a post apopalypic world.... Would you survive? Do you have what it takes to survive? What skills wou
- Song interpretation....
So what's your interpretation of the lyrics of this song??? What lyrics stand out to you? http://youtu.be/h2aTxm
- machine gun preacher
true story based off of Sam Childers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Childers In the summer of 1992, Childers c
- Update
i am loving my new friendship with my woman and things got really great between us. she still says shes not interested b
- Saturian & Mars influence s
So,I have a question (obviously)? I heard in The secret language of birthdays that if you're born early/late in the da
- Should I take a few steps back?
Ok been kinda seeing this leo man for a short time. First let me say no sexual activities have occurred since we starte
- Capricorn stellium (aqua sun/taurus moon)
Mars, Venus, Neptune & Uranus = Capricorn stellium in the 8th house (Aquarius sun & Taurus moon). Can you tell me any
- My chart, what can you tell me??
Rising Sign Scorpio Sun Gemini. Moon Virgo. Mercury Cancer. Venus Gemini. Mars Virgo. Jupiter Virgo. Satur
- Getting to know someone while dating others
I find myself in a situation I have not yet been in before. Recently I started dating someone whose company I enjoy. We
- This is my Chart, What can you tell me?
Thanks to Moonbutter for the page :) Rising Sign Scorpio Sun Gemini. Moon Virgo. Mercury Cancer. Venus Gemini
- I swear by all that is holy...
...this will be my next cover song on Youtube. I need to learn to play the banjo. If you are haven't seen this movie (Oh
- Capricorn SEXXX tarot for March 2015
- What does my chart show about my career/wealth?
Hi, I'm indecisive about which career path to follow, so anything that could help me out would be much appreciated :)
- People with personal planets/ascendant in Cancer
Which planet/house is it in? How does it affect your personality/life? How do you feel about it? Optional question ca
- I'm confused please help!!!
He acts like he hates me but does that mean he's secretly in to me even though he hates me???? please help!!!!! Signe
- And Another Beautiful Goth Capricorn
Patricia Morrison (born January 14, 1962) is an American bass guitarist, singer and songwriter. She worked with Bags, Th
- What are Sagittarius Moons like?
I'm a Leo with a Sagittarius Moon in the 6th house, but I've never really felt like I have Sagittarian traits. I'm a rea
- 25 yr old USMC Medical Student.
1) Didn't know who Rosie The Riveter was. 2) Thought I was a 'Nam Vet. 3)And he's studying to be a doctor. That i
- Power Rangers fan film under fire
I would post vid but I'm using Mobile. Thoughts on it if you've seen it.