February 15, 2015
February 15, 2015 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 15
Topics Created On February 15, 2015
- Why is this Aquarius man acting this way?
I have a crush with an Aquarius man I have just met in school a few months ago. The trouble is, he doesn't speak to me t
- Would you want to be with you?
Look at the list of things you want in a mate then look at yourself. Would your ideal mate want to be with you? Why or w
- Why is this Aquarius man acting this way?
I have a crush with an Aquarius man I have just met in school a few months ago. The trouble is, he doesn't speak to me t
- how do I become a total b*+ch
how do I become a to total b*+ch they say only b*+chy women get married. I am too nice and sweet like honey for marriag
- Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Taurus relationship
I am a sun in scorpio, moon in taurus woman and he is a sun in taurus, moon in scorpio man. What does this imply for
- Due Date
so I'm watching Due Date and I only dream of telling someone off like he does zach galifinakis after their wreck lol fun
- Taurus men, help me with this please!!!!!
Ok so I met this taurus guy a little over 3 weeks ago. we met at the mall, we texted sometimes but not very much and he
- Do scorpio men troll on Valentine's?
Scorpio guy and I have not been talking but as usual when you recently break with someone you try to see if they still h
- Donnie Brasco
watching a show about Joseph Pistone aka Donnie Brasco and damn he is a tough looking and sounding sept 17th virgo. he l
- Jimmy Carter's Wife Looks Like Larry
Of the Three Stooges. Just sayin'.
- Synastry Help
I really have feelings for this girl,but ineed to know if we are a match made in heaven or not Me: 08/14/1990 7:22 Am
- Help?
So I have a stellium in Sagittarius with three houses in the 2nd house (Sun,merc & pluto) and four houses in the 3rd (mo
- Your favourite photography / photographer?
- Escape Rooms
Anyone attended this type of thing? Posted in the man cave because my girlfriends aren't really into it. I went to
- Charities that won't help homosexuals
I resent those charities. Why is it ok that so many children have gone without all b/c some charity policy doesn't l
- How Exquisite This Scorp Is
- Lord Have Mercy: Im Dating a Gentleman
Seriously, there are signs of life from the male species. Hes sweet, nice, not a bad boy at all. He IS something to wri
- Need advice from fellow Caps...
Has any other Cap out there found themselves being the other woman/man? I'm finding myself in this situation right now,
- Leo co-workers? Need some insight!
Can any Leos out there give me some insight to this situation? At my place of work, I'm getting ready to embark on a maj
- What is Caps experiences with working with Leos?
I posted this to the Leo forum, but would be interested to hear what my fellow Capricorns think. At my place of work, I
- Any Taurus midheavens here,.. howz your career?
Its my only Taurus placement, im neither picky nor slow to act in any area of my life, but career-wise...wow. It takes
- Kickin' me out and pullin me in
Hallu! i was wondering why cancer seems to be so insecure , and coward sometimes. we've been friend for so long a
- Kickin' me out and pull me in
Hallu! i was wondering why cancer seems to be so insecure , and coward sometimes. we've been friend for so long a
- He's just not that into you? Or the opposite?
This man will flirt with others easily, but he doesn't flirt with me. An observer mentioned he seems nervous around me.
- Who else gets along really well with Pisces?
I am SURROUNDED by these fuckers, and I love each and every one of them to pieces (pun averted). Every best friend I hav
- Ohhh Leo how do I love thee
Let me just say I have a love hate thing with Leo men. But it's more of a love thing. Great friend, great lover, great m
- Erin Prizzly
- How fucked is my love life?
So i have a question about my venus aspects here they are btw; Venus Square Jupiter Venus Square Mars Moon Opposite
- I found a Osiris/Isis conjunction
Between my sister and I when I was looking at the charts