June 7, 2016
June 7, 2016 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 7
Topics Created On June 7, 2016
- 1 bad decision has possibly costed me a happy future!
As my first post read. I was FWB to a guy but stopped the sex because I was catching feelings for him and now I think my decision to start off as FWB ruined any chance I had at having a real relationship with this man. What do u think? Do u think I can re
- Black and White
- Poetry: If I said "Al Capone"
Would you say that was beautiful? Just curious.
- Any tips on catching ghosts??
Yes, a mouse trap and a block of cheese.
- Anyone notice the Aquarians getting all lovey dovey lately???
I have! Wowzahhh....what's in the water these days?
- The sibling thread
If you have sinking, post what makes it funny. It's a life long friendship/rivalry. We love em but we hate em. Case and point. Hahahaha
- Poetry: If I said "Ronald McDonald Hairhat"
Would you say "I'm lovin' it" Just curious
- Aries and Virgo?
I've noticed an attraction between both male and female of each sign but especially one between Virgo female and Aries male. Why does that attraction work? Your thoughts?
- Natural remedies
Anyone out there expert in herbal or homeopathic remedies?
- Capricorn moon people. What does it mean to you to be vulnerable?
For me its letting people see weakness. I have to be in control and letting that select one or two people know how weak I've become in a desperate situation really scares me.
- Cancer women... What sign was/is your best relationship with
- Does libra cut you off when they find someone new
Libras your opinions please ? I feel like my libra friend is cutting me off because I feel like they have someone else they are interested in. If so they how do they go about it. Do they tell you or they slowly try to escape the exit ???
- What does it mean when a Cap says ...
"You make me want to do nothing :)" - (implication is except spend time together). How should I respond? I hope it's not true as that's obviously unrealistic!
- Why Aries has big problem in find/choice a new job ???
Hi all again, My Aries is very confuse in which job offer to take ! For 4 months he run here and there after many jobs , but can't pick up any of them ! There are peoples who want help him find a job, but he answer their call just like he is very imp
- how to beat a psychopath
has anybody encountered a psychopath? how do you beat them? i've met a psychopath and he is targeting me... he already spread false rumors about me and he is also manipulating situations and people behind my back to set me up. i want to win against this g
- True Confession: 1 I Really Am A Grandfather 2 My Son-In-Law is 46 Years Old
Grandpas are cool though. Thanks And yes, I REALLY am a Life Path 9 smh
- Cap ex StALKEr
Anyone have any experience with a Cap going full stalker? It's not pretty. Not sure how to handle it, cause shutting him out..not working. Then when we happen to be at a party together (on accident) he will sit in the corner and stare me down but not tal
- How to be an awful person
cut people off driving don't signal while driving walk away from someone mid conversation Mash the close doors button as someone approaches the elevator Fart in a full elevator fart in a restaurant talk on cell during a movie point
- Mercury is in Sagittarius but in my ninth house which is in Scorpio - what does this mean?
As you all know, the lines on the birth chart wheel don't always match up. In my case my ninth house is in Scorpio, and Mercury is IN my ninth house yet it is in Sagittarius (as Scorpio shortly cuts off and becomes Sagittarius). I am extremely lost on how
- Flat Bastard
- since i quit my job
I have never been happier. Just truly happy with my life. For a moment i was worried i had made the wrong moves. I resigned from my old job and i had a new one lined up, but something spoke to me and said DMV now is the time! Now is the time to really
- How is sex like between Taurus woman & Scorpio man?
- How do you brew your morning coffee?
I've used this for over 4-5 years. It's been repaired several times so it's on it's last legs. I really like the red espresso capsule and the small cup setting. sometimes i go big cup and let it cool and pour over some ice. the frother i didn't touch til
- Can you convince a Capricorn
Do you think you can persuade a capricorn? I want to persuade my cap to go on a road trip with me to pick up a friend who's 22 hours away. I know he has to think extremely hard about it, as he will be stuck in the car with me for that long, with no
- What do I do??
So, I'm an Aries female and I became very close to an Aquarius man online. Things got quite deep intellectually and emotionally, and when we met sparks flew! We spent a whole weekend together, out and about aswell as at home. Then, he went cold. He later
- What should I do??
So, I'm an Aries female (Pisces cusp) and I became very close to an Aquarius man online. Things got quite deep intellectually, and when we met sparks flew! We spent a whole weekend together, out and about aswell as at home. Then, he went cold. He later i
- Quick little update!
I talked to my cap this morning and I flat out asked him what does he want from me, just sex or a relationship? His response was "it's never just sex with u and me!" I asked him to explain. His words were "it'll never be just sex with us because u will a
- Vent...
I need sex. Not just textbook sex. Nasty, freaky, extremely erotic sex. I have a husband on paper that I cant fuck. Been thinking a lot about my Aquarius ex lately. Frustrated. Baby boy is sick. Hangry. Oh Tuesday, why cant you b
- Mars in Gemini? What does this placement mean
- How do you make a leo man fall madly in love? Virgo / libra cusp here.
- HELP! How To Know When a Venus in Capricorn is in love
I've been dating this Aqua sun, venus in capricorn man for almost 4 months. I feel a strong connection between us and always have the best time together. We have a lot in common and share similar ambitions and values. Up to this point he has not come o
- Offended by help and support
So my Taurus friend who is also a crush always seems to get offended when I try to help her or offer support - she always says that she is very independent and she can handle it. It's not that I don't think she can handle it - it's that it is in my nat
- Before and After: Single vs. Relationships. Dating vs. Marriage. No Kids vs. Have Kids.
I found some funny images online that are worth sharing. For those of you caught up in a relationship, marriage or marriage with kids, please share your thoughts on what these images mean to you:
- So it happened in the end...
I got Pisces-ed
- Sag+Aries!
Here's some gifs that show my relationship with you guys!
- Colorstrology
to this link Don't type your birthday in the search bar because for some reason it shows up as not existing in the book, even though some do. I guess it's because they're pictures. Not all birthdays show up but many do. Do you agree with yours?
- On The Road...
- How to friendzone Gemini guy?
I've been talking to a Gemini with taurus moon. I realize his feelings are growing and I told him I cannot think of getting into a relationship or any of this since I broke up a couple of months ago and not ready for any of this. He is such a good fri
- scorpios and eye contact
the scorpio guy i know is very friendly, and helpful to people around him, but i noticed that he would stare at me when i dont look at him, and defend me when im wronged, and he would touch me when we talk, bottom line is that for a week now we dont talk
- Horary question
asked this question: Will he respond back to my message? Hi All! I am a novice in horary astrology and this is the first time I have come across one big square pattern across the chart. It is also touching all main angles so I'm really curious it's ma
- Dear Abby advice to Gay Grandmother...
- Confused and hurt by Pisces
Help! I'll try to keep this as short as possible. Met my Pisces last November. He actively persued me, promised me the earth and I ended up falling for him. Fast forward to now and the wheels have well and truly came off. We've had a few fights.. and ever
- Any chances i can get her back?
I am a virgo man and i have dated an aries woman for nearly 2 years. Everything went well. Until i made a mistake and lost her trust. She was very disappointed and cried a lot. I love her too much i realized i dont want to hurt her anymore and told her i
- To Libra MALES
I am a Virgo woman trying to work things out with s long distance libra male. He is 26 turning 27 October 11th. The last time I saw him was May 17th and it ended on bad terms because I went through his phone and found out that he had been texting other gi
- Would u give up Social Media...
Would u give up social media for a relationship?
- Scorpio Revenge!!
Can anyone tell me how to do it as painful as it could be LOL? I'm an scorp and I was dating a Sag guy from a month and half from now, everything was going so smooth and magical, we slept together. Suddenly my venus in scorpio found that he actually
- True or false: no trust = no relationship
- For my next DXP astro game...
I need volunteers. I need the following: Representatives for the Rising of every sign. (Aries Rising, Pisces Rising, Scorpio Rising etc) Reps for each Sun Sign. Reps for each Moon Sign. Why do I need them? They'll be acting as judges for the nex
- My Libra Ex
I'm a capricorn male who's in love with my libra ex, who is also male. We'll call him D1. I met D1 through a mutual friend, October, 2014 while I was visiting Los Angeles. We became buddies instantly! While I was there, our mutual friend (We'll call him A