June 14, 2016
June 14, 2016 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 14
Topics Created On June 14, 2016
- Describe you ideal partner!!!
I seen a post earlier about how some female and males weren't satisfied with their lover.... So if you had a chance to do things differently.... What would your ideal partner look like, act like, think like, etc..... This should be interesting....
- Funny or not...
A few weeks back my friend texted me and said he had a question he needed to ask me and he didn't want to offend me or make me upset. Blah, blah, blah... Had me thinking it was the end of the world and he was about to hand me my walking papers. Ok... Well
- Aquarius male, reserved..awkward.. is this the norm???
In november 2015 i met this aquarius guy through a friend of mine (its my friends cousin), he is absolutely gorgeous, has a great personality, you know all those good qualities!! Well, when we are together alone he acts so reserved and quiet timid shy and
- Why do animals always seem to gravitate towards me?
Just curious. I don't consider myself the most warm or matwrnal of persons, and yet Animals and small children always seem to gravitate towards me. Has anyone noticed this with themselves? Is there a cause for it? Is it chemical or emotional or bot
- thoughts. Is it me, but are all love songs about Cancers or writtenby them?
As above so below....
- Byyye, Byyye Little Capricorn Guy
Maybe Clueless' a bit shoeless but you're still a small fry. "Capricorn Sun/Rising, Pisces Moon/Mars. Very wow, much sexy." 17 years old male
- Forehead Kisses
I saw my boyfriend for the first time in a longtime last night. It's been a seven days since we last saw one another, and despite being with my family, he asked if he could come over and see me. I went outside to greet him, and I suddenly found myself bre
- Scorpio plotting something ugly!???
My Scorpio man.. The one I made my last two post abt.. If y'all following... Well he blocked me.. Now just today he is calling me names and telling me to run in traffic.. But he is doing it thru a fake number.. Trying to act like it's not him. Wtf! Like I
- Do you ever feel like a loser?
Is this a Pisces thing? I get really lost in my own world, yes. I'm very conflicted with so many interests. I have this really spiritual part of me that wants to learn everything so I read a lot online and study different things, but I also have other i
- You All Like Me
Can't blame people in hiding who don't want to be the first to admit it. Whispering amongst themselves. But saying something in denial completely opposite in public so no one will remotely otherwise.. All kinds of negative thoughts ideas and opinions.
- Classic Clips
Loved this one:
- Orlando massacre astrology
Have any of y'all seen how fucked up the terrorists chart was? It was full of oppositions between Scorpio and Taurus and other squares with fixed signs. The pos fucking lost it and went full Scorpio Taurus blowout. Sad.
- I recently figured out Pluto is the go-to planet
...when figuring someone out. Check the house pluto is in natally. Of course if it's in the last 5 degrees of a house, it counts more as the next house. checked my brother's -1st house, spot on, trusts very few people, big on eye contact, to see what t
- How
Do I upload a pic for my default on here ?
- Capricorn moon
What upsets a Cappy moon??
- Curious to what you think?
I am curious by how y'all would describe this person? Is there anything that sticks out, anything that is odd, or anything that intrigues you maybe just from this persons chart? Just want to know what y'all think, I want to show my friend how astrology co
- After break up with aquarius guy
My aquarius ex of 3 years decided to break up with me 3 months back. I accepted his decision and decided to move on. Am still moving on and there has been ups and downs. Our previous relationship had no real issues according to me. I have a feeling he
- Why do I feel like a Scorpio?
All my life, I have felt very much like a Scorpio, but for the life of me.. I can't figure out why. I know that my Pluto is in Scorpio but it's a generational thing and I don't see why it would effect my personality much. Very intense feelings..jealous..
- Are Cap men ok with the woman making the first move?
Warning: turned into a small venting session I like a cap. It's obvious he likes me. He knows I like him. I told him. We are very close. Best friends. I'd like to make it more. I've been trying to throw obvious hints as to wanting to date. I th
- Post a pic of yourself
- .
After 8 months of brkup we met n had sex. . I said I love you... He was quiet... (he is still with his ex) I told him its wrong... He can't be with me n her at the same time... he is in a rlnshp with her then he needs to commit to her n stop seeing
- Silent and Violent?
Are Pisces known to be like that? I mean my buddy who can only be called "Dr. Carl" is usually always chill and relaxed. But everybody burns on him about how old he looks. Most say he looks older than his actual age. Being that he's 22 like I am and every
- Scorpio Love
Do two scorpios make a magically lasting relationship? Or does it only feel like that are soul mates in the beginning and quickly turns to hell? Just curious ...
- Do you hate "good byes"? (avoid it)
My Aquarius lover told me that he hates saying "bye" and that he rather not do it and that it would hurt him if he were to say bye to me and then walk away. that it's more like an "I'll see you later". Well I spent time with him for a month and we had fun
- Just making a fool of myself...
Oh god it was awful! I saw my Sagittarius ex at a mini fest, we haven't been in contact for two years. I was pretty confident that I could just say hi, everything would be fine and we could be friends. BUT I left it a little bit too long before I said so
- Synchronicity?
I just watched the movie Epic, for maybe the third time. Got to the scene where he starts talking about the full moon. It happens to be a full moon that coincides with the summer solstice. The movie says it is very rare, happening only every around 100 ye
- The Orlando nightclub massacre...all just a set-up??!
The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who works for Get Off the BS by two Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the
- Men that
Love clingy women. What is your sun/moon? Will you admit that you love clingy women irl? Why do you love clingy women?
- Pisces women: How do you feel about Virgo women?
Just curious.. I never really get along with ya. Idk why. I often almost feel bullied by Pisces. Like ya can't take that I'm genuinely a nice person and you wanna ruffle my Virgo feathers and make me angry.. Share your thoughts on Virgo ladies!!