June 25, 2016
June 25, 2016 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 25
Topics Created On June 25, 2016
- What do you think I should do?
I'm having a problem with jealousy, and I don't want it to affect my relationship.
It's obvious my boyfriend still has feelings for his "Baby Mama" (what he calls her). I'm aware that we can love more than one person, and in different ways. It isn't s
- What'd you think of Taurus-Aries cusp people?
What are your guys's thought on these people?
I speak more specifically 4/20 but any cusp I suppose can be similar.
My first love.
My bestest bestest bestest friend who I have admittedly made out with before and hot damn!
One of my family mem
- Do fellow Scorp girls find it impossible to deal with passivity? (cancer boy vent)
But like it in a twisted way? Woe is I ???
I dated a cancer man for about 3 years. 2 years seriously.
It was a sweet heartfelt disaster.
I ultimately ended things with him because I could not deal with his refusal to speak up for himself or me, h
- How do Libras do with other Libras?
do they have a libra party?
- Help! Confused by Aries doc
Hi everyone.. Need some help. I have been seeing my allergist for past 2 yrs... We are mid age, he is Aries and I a Taurus woman. With my first visit I noticed the stares but he kept it cool and professional. I seen him later down the road at a grocer
- What is the damn DEAL!?
About to be so over Caps. It always happens, me and third decan caps are MAGNETS.
Long story short there's a dude at work, we've developed a flirtship. Taking it slow, but messaging a lot at work. Somehow we got into this spy themed game where we are
- Sagittarius Women Here- Need other Sagittarius Women Advice
I am just writing because I am just wondering if any other Sagittarius Women ever feel like they are lost, or trapped? If you do what do you do about it?
So.. One of my good childhood friends asked for me to explain this aspect in her and her partner's (Soon to be Hubby.. If your reading this girl.. Congrats again!!) chart.. The aspect was His Pluto (Scorpio) inconjucnts Her Moon (Aries.. Same like mines :
- Nicholas Cage, leaving the sushi waitress.
was kind of shocked, but it's on the cover news. I remember he is Cap sun/Libra moon. what's her sign?
they had many residences since then
- How does tagging work
Here? I've been tagged previously but how do I trace the tags?
- Lets communicate about Mercury
Mercury is the sign of thinking and communication, that's a pretty important aspect of ones personality but I don't see it mentioned much on the boards.
Specifically I'd like to hear from any one with a water Mercury, especially Pisces. This is suppos
- sex with zodiac signs
- How will I know....
i have been with a cappy guy for almost 9 months now and till now, it is not yet official.. So I don't know what are we, bff or fwb. I know he likes me coz he do these things for me like cook dinner, change oil my car, call me regularly every night, text
- Feeling like a doormat
What are the best ways to let my Aqua guy know I'm unhappy with how our relationship is going?
He's aqua sun, merc and Venus & Leo moon, libra Mars.
He'll get defensive and say that he's doing all he can, but he's not the same guy as in the begin
- i cant commit
I have SUCH a hard time committing to someone
In the beginning i can be all over that person and want to talk and hang out all the time then a month goes by and i begin to dread the fact that i have to call or text back, its more of i get annoyed when i
- So what do I do now?
First couple of conversations were very friendly, the Cap guy i'm interested in shared with me "personal" stuff, but since the last time, where I acted a little standoffish, things have been awkward. In the second convo we had, I threw it out there that m
- What does virgo gal think while ignoring someone?
i know that ignoring is virgo thing, but does she actually know how much it
hurts the other one or is she aware of it and enjoys it for a thrill of it?
i'm cancer, so ignoring is the worst thing that someone could do to me.
i know this virgal f
- Update to baby momma drama!
Well his mom got us both together so we could iron out our problems for the sake of the baby boy. Like I told the Baby Momma, I don't have anything against her. I have no issues honestly, except for the recent drama. So I asked her what did I do to her to
- Why do you idiots believe that the UK citizens should do as Belgium's socialist bureaucrats say?
I am just curious, but why do so many of you useless idiots think that the UK should give all of their money and freedom to a bunch of unelected, faceless and nameless control freaks in Belgium?
Why should the British taxpayer money get shuttled off by
How long have they been teasing now.... three years? o___O
- Capricorn sex
So I had first time sex with a Capricorn man I've been seeing. They are kinda aggressive let me tell you haha anyway after I left he texted me in 2 mins that was fun, you are bad and I hope I was boring.
Good sign? Bad sign? Was he self conscious?
- Wtf is going on with this site, it's so damn slow right now.
- Virgo lady
I am virgo.. Ascendant Gemini and my moon is capricorn and my sun is virgo. What is my personality and traits?
- Capricorn Woman & Aries Man - Good or Bad?
I may have posted something similar before but I can't remember so apologies in advance if I have ?
I would like to hear from both Cap women, ( Aries men if they are on here), and what your relationship with each other Is / Was like.
I'd especially