June 23, 2016
June 23, 2016 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 23
Topics Created On June 23, 2016
- Capricorn Men
I met this guy from an online dating site and he was too sexy to me. He has been a dream come true and a potential for me to talk to. I texted him the other night and at first he didn't text me back but he eventually he text back. So when text e back he a
- Where do you rest your chin when you lay down?
When you lay on your stomach? I rest it on a pillow but then my jaw feels sore for a while. I feel like you also have to rest your neck on the pillow to not put all the weight on your jaw.
- How to get out of lust
I'm in a situation that the guy told me he's lusting. I just don't want nothing to do with it. My gut feeling told me along time ago to let it go because the discomfort of not knowing what the situation is. I think I accepted to know what it is but I was
- Confusion Over Relationship with Cancer Man
I'm sure this is a common questions, but I'm new to the forum, so please humor me. :) I'm very much in love with my Cancer man. I feel I'm always chasing him, and when I step back, he feels hurt and as if I don't like him. I"m just not sure he's all that
- Running game
Does Leo's tend to run games on people they try to figure out? I feel like I'm wishy washy about my feelings. But maybe I try to test the waters with people to see if they can handle what it is. I feel like it's a way of people guessing and chasing after
- Cancer Man Ultimate Mind Test
Would a cancer man make up a lie like saying he has a secret lover and has been living a double life with you as the ultimate test to see if you go crazy on him? I don't know what to believe - I think I'm being had...
- My little Leo update? Where is his head
You guys quite the task Huh :p? But a fun one! Moving on, I post about my Leo interest here a little bit, asking for advices. This is a little different because I unfortunately don't think I will be in contact with him much longer (there is a cancer
- Wanting Some Insight. Gemini Male / Virgo Female
I am Gemini Male. She is Virgo Female. I am older by a few years. Met this cute virgo at work - she was a blast to talk with. (we are communicators :P) Talked alot online - never had to guts to actually call her. She was involved with other guys at
- Do I need to start a thread??
Titled "Ask a capricorn moon". Noticed this new trend lol :P
- how to get a cancer man back who you have hurt ?
Hi Everyone, I was dating a cancer man since the last 5 months.I am a scorpio woman he was crazy about me. Initially in the starting everything was very good but then he started becoming distant and i was very suspicious so things turned , before he used
- what do you make of this birth chart? what are some significant details about this person?
life aspects/ career aspects/ luck aspects/ wealthy aspects/ position/ popularity etc. this is a very very important person to me right now and I just caught hold of the chart!
- the cancerian I'm with righ now is awesome, I feel very strongly about it, going too fast?
he is nothing like a textbook cancerian. he is completely honest, very outgoing, funny and courteous. probably the things I learnt about him to be "astrologically right" is he can be very indecisive and sometimes very passive and needing lone time. he is
- Aqua moon . What do we come across??
Please throw them at me.. lol.. Do we appear friendly, approachable or cold and heartless ? Lol
- Sun: Gemini Mars: Pisces
Have you made any experiences with this combination?
- Buying my 1st house
Your input and opinions would be great. I am in process of purchasing my own house. Since I worked in the mortgage industry, finding a loan to suite me is on my top priority list. I spoke to my BFF who is an underwriter and she made some good points in
- A Very Different and Opposite Chart
Hey, I know people don't really like to talk about things that don't interests them-selfs or things that they can't relate to, but I would like to share my chart, because I'm seeking to understand it. So... Virgo Ascendant Sun,Mercury in Taurus Ven
- If i kill myself just remember
I did it for love
- I need a shrink
Cant stop thinking about love
- Need help understanding a Cancer male
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Well, I'm a Capricorn, and I tend to attract Cancer guys (not surprising, considering we are zodiac opposites). I feel like they expect me to be more sensitive and intuitive than I really am, so they tend to communicate in indir
Is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippie. It doesn't even feel like its tomorrow though. I'll be 24 on the 24th!!!!
- where would you like to meet your future man/woman?
or are you leaving it up to fate?? also, where did you all meet your ex's? or last dates? was it online? or was it somewhere you met face to face the first time?
- Gemini's I need your help!
Hey everyone I'll try to keep this short and to the point. I'm a scorpio / cancer moon, my ex is gemini / capricorn moon. He confuses me so much. Basically, he says he loves me but he lost interest and he's disappointed in himself because he didn't fi
- Does anyone have a chart similar to mine
Do you have a similar chart? How would you describe yourself or what can you tell me about my chart? Sun - Gemini Moon - Aquarius Mercury - Gemini Venus - Gemini Mars - Cancer Jupiter - Gemini Saturn, Uranus, Neptune - Capricorn Pluto - Scorpio
- Why is P- Angel so negative?
Everything that she posts about, she tries to find fault..... What a sad woman...
- Help with a Pisces male
So I should start by saying I have known him for 8 months. We have slept together on and off. It is usually me that instigates the off as I feel a bit disappointed. When I met him online he said he was just looking to sleep together didn't want anything m
- synchonicity in abundance
i meditated and asked my guides for a message. during my meditation i saw many beautiful colors circulating, and then what i perceived to be a golden eagle. the next day i saw an eagle, or eagle symbols( on cars buildings, just fucking everywhere) i proba
- recently discovered a FALSE TWIN FLAME, or (twin flame counterfiet)
I know this person is indeed a false twin flame. I've accepted that, and am at complete peace with it. i know i needed the lesson. anyway I'm wondering if the real twin can come after the counterfeit twin, after the lesson is learned. any thoughts on this
- the meaning behind 11:11 does it mean your twin flame is coming, or does it mean you are awakening??
I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible in all things spiritual. Heres where i am pretty confused. does seeing 11:11 all the time mean you are just awakening or that your twin is coming(if you haven't met them yet) or does it mean you are t
- if someone is your twin flame, but in traditional astrology you're not an exact match, does it matte
OR is your twin flame likely to be compatible with your sun sign?
- So what would you want?
Okay, say if I were to make an astro-blog/channel. What topics would you want to cover? What are things other astro blogs/channels do to kill your attention span and make you never look back?
- Virgo man help please. (Long message)
So my Virgo and I (Cancer) met in high school at ages 15 and 16. He made it known a little he liked me, I was with someone. It never happened even though I did like him a little I just couldn't go there with him but we were friends throughout high school.
- This is gold, pure gold...
- How long does it take a Scorpio man to let go after being ignored
My husband has made the decision that we should be married. After all these Fuckboy games Like he came to this conclusion after he fucked up. Lmao. Not a joint effort. He did. Like he did when he decided our marriage wasnt great enough to fight for
- Ask SirHorns Anything!
So in do prep work for future projects, I need to pop my Youtube video cherry. So use this thread to throw all kinds of questions my way, astro, personal, etc. I'll post the video here when I have enough questions. Why should you ask me things? -
- Virgo Man - Virgo Woman Relationship
Hey Guys, It has been a while and I'm glad to be back and see the forums are still so full of life. P-Angel is still at it. Smh. Lol!! - HeyGirl!! Anyway, I am still with my 9/5 Virgo (I'm 9/11) and things have become very one-sided. It has been
- Signs of Trails (Astro Game) II
Yo DXP folk, SirHorns here as your gaming host for this DXP Astro Game. The game is simple enough, those playing will be given situations where you'll do to achieve some action/reaction to "win". (Could be simple as maintaining a conversation or as di
- What does this mean?
The little dashes on the aspect symbols on Astro.com So if the square has a dash is it that not as strong or something?? Example what's circled in blue
- Capricorn Venus People
Hello there :) I want to know more about you all who have this placement! In your opinion how would you describe Venus in Capricorn. How you love, what you love etc... just whatever you'd like to share This is a happy thread
- How do you all clean?
When the house is a freaking mess? How do you prioritize your cleaning?
- howdy
how are you guys?? I'm bored at work (blah)