June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 15
Topics Created On June 15, 2016
- Give it Up or Give it a Go?
Libra Sun/Virgo Moon and I've been seeing a Cancer Sun/Sag Moon guy for about 3 weeks. He's very sweet and affectionate. He loves to cuddle. He says that I'm perfect, that he likes me because he can have a conversation with me, he misses me, etc. Prob
- What's the deal?
Libra sun/Virgo rising/Pisces moon/Scorpio Venus. Mid June through July are always hard times for me. Relationship problems (usually breakup), depression, moodiness, argumentative, misunderstandings at home and work. Things seem to fall apart this tim
- Whats the outlook for march 9th pisces man and oct 20th libra woman?
- Move Over Charles Manson There's A New Kid In Town
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen (November 16, 1986 – June 12, 2016) Scorp Sun / Taurus Moon
- Why do people care if we start ignoring them?
When they are bigger assholes about it when they do the same to other people lol I do come around at some point and explain myself, ive never known a Cancer to truly ignore someone forever, we are too sentimental in our nature to tell someone to truly
- Why do you guys
Come on strong then disappear thennnnnn when I'm finally getting over you and forgetting about u just pop back into my life???wtf leebs you guys are the hardest to understand for me ... Can I just get a simple fucking answer
- super confused with my Cappy man
First I'll say, he is a Capricorn born Jan. 11th. 20 years old. I am a Scorpio woman born November 7th. 23 years old. Ok, we used to work together and it was strictly a working relationship. I thought he was cute, but stayed focused. He never thought t
- Ok Chino Moreno is awesome
- Would a Pisces moon outright reject someone?
The story is just that I'm a Virgo female (Virgo sun, Capricorn moon, if it helps) and up until a few weeks ago, I used to work with this guy (Taurus sun, Pisces moon) as his lab partner. I really liked him and I told him that twice. The first time was an
- Weird?
How can significant others tell when u are asleep or awake? I have this guy that texts me as soon as I get up or if I'm about to text him? How can they tell when you are crying or hurt?
- Relationship advice with Cancer Woman and Pisces Man after a fight
I've been in a long distant relationship with a Pisces man for about a year. We had a big big fight (I thought he signed up for an online dating site) and we ended things in the heat of the moment. I ignored his messages of him trying to explain himself a
- What is wrong with this Cappy guy?
I'm a Virgo female (Capricorn moon) in college, the 'situation' starts from 2 years ago. I worked with this Capricorn guy (Pisces moon) as a lab partner for one of my freshman labs. The semester started out rocky but we got better at working together as t
- Potatoes
Are probably the best thing ever Agree or agree?
- I guess we will never be just friends
This woman I've been talking too wants more than just a friendship or its what I'm assuming she's so open and friendly with other guys but shy and quiet with me she's fidgeting with things when I'm talking to her she preens herself before I get close to h
- Please help me to understand my horoscope
Sun: Aries Moon: Libra Mercury: Aries Venus: Aries Mars: Pisces Taurus rising. I am new to astrology and would like to learn at least the basics. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
- How to help a libra man get over a love?
My ex is still in love with his ex fiancé and I feel really bad for the hurt he's going through. I'm with someone else and he knows that. He texts me all the time talking about her. I do help him but I don't understand why can't he just move on? We all d
- Relationship anxiety.
Yes,I'm guilty of relationship anxiety.I don't know why but I am scared of both distancing and intimacy.Distancing makes me wonder if he still feels the same and too much intimacy freaks me out since I'm scared of how long that should last.I don't know if
- What is ur opinion based off these texts? -in regards to a friend
Her: I want to know where u see this going, or if u even see this going anywhere past being FWB. I wanted to have this convo face to face but since I've already asked, I'd appreciate an answer. Him: So you're having a change of heart Her: What do u
- Love to all the Geminis
I am a pisces man and I just love gemini ladies. It probably has something to do with my aqua mars and the fact that my 12th house is in gemini so all you pretty air ladies are always shining a light in my subconcious. But really this is the sign that I h
- Difference between Scorp women and men?
- Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary
O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendour of heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea help me and show me herein you are my mother. O Holy Mary Mother of God, queen o
- Caps what makes you now want to date someone?
Curious, what makes you reject some one who likes you?
- Leo Men/Women
What's the difference? Well, one has a penis and one has a vagina.
- Can't get over him
No matter how hard I tried. It's been 3 months and going well until I was reminded by friend said he saw him last week. My last topic was, "would a Leo appreciate the person going above and beyond?" Some of you said it depends. I ended not going to his ho
- The more guns the better
Because the front page of dxp isn't the place. The more guns on good normal people the better. If not for guns think of how many countries could easily invade and attempt take over. Or what would happen in an apocalyptic situation if you had nothing to
- Netflix: Voltron *Spoilers*
I grew up with Voltron and I was really excited to see a reboot of my childhood shows. There were a few things that they changed - Pidge is a girl instead of a boy (which she is in search of her father and brother that were taken captive along with Shiro.
- Zodiac Monsters!
*Found online by an artist called Damon Hellandbrand* Which one would you want on your side? I would choose Virgo. Aries
- Hyperlinking in Posts
What's the code for this site?
- Jean Paul Satre
...was a Gemini with an Aqua moon and Sag rising. Fits the brainy image he had/has!
- Obligatory Sextrology Post
*Yawns* toy chest at you* Call me when you're done. *Leaves thread*
- How old does the above poster come off?
5? 45? *Waits to see how fast this thread turns into a trainwreck as per DXP tradition*
- 69 representing Cancer
Couldn't we also say that Cancers are also a sign of "balance." I realize this is mostly a Libra thing but the more I think about Libra's and Cancer's being together the more it sort of makes sense. IDK, throw some of your ideas out here...
- they always come back
they don't want to commit, you walk away, they come back. REPEAT. what's new! old guy I really cared for has been talking to me more than ever as of late. I'll always consider him a friend so why not keep contact. we barely EVER spoke until now. r
- What's best friends for Libras?
I currently have a good Pisces friend but theres something thats nagging me im not quite sure what it is. I just feel something is "off" anyone else have any experience with pisces female friend? My most longterm friends are Taurus and a Libra _3