June 6, 2016
June 6, 2016 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 6
Topics Created On June 6, 2016
- Leo woman
I'm a Leo woman where my Leo woman at tell me about yourself maybe we can relate ??
- Question for non-Millennials: Do You Have A Sick Fetish Teasing Young People?
You know what I'm talking about. The generation that makes you laugh and laugh and laugh or.... just shake your head, in shame and pity because the young know-it-alls laugh at older people. You know.... people like us, people like you. up, if you ev
- is it a turn off
for a guy if a girl expresses feelings first? even if you actually have feelings for her too? is a lack of chase a turn off?
- narc
- She's going through rebirth
I got a good feeling she's going through one I'm talking about the first Scorpio in my life has deleted herself from social media we don't speak to each other but we see each other on it. Noticed she's disappeared sure enough she's gone she's never done t
- Have a dxp app
I dislike having to relog into multiple devices when I am constantly on the move. An app can allow us to stay on a primary laptop/desktop and also on our mobile constantly
- Mr fish got me thinking..
I met a Pisces guy while on holiday, hes 34 and i'm 30. He v attractive, shy and mysterious. We met out maybe 4 times and he stayed with me until early morning, chatting etc. We havent slept together...but the attraction is intense. He wants me to go back
- After death, what happens: what they tell their kids....
Jewish: Atheist : Wiccan: Agnostic : Spiritual (define as you want): Catholic: Southern Baptist: Whatever other thing I may be missing:
- Virgo-woman and Cancer-man after-breakup-drama problems.
So, 2 of my friends(both a Virgo and Cancer) have been passive-aggresively at eachother's throats(through social media stalking, harrassment, ect.) for 5 years now since their breakup. The reason? The virgo wasn't being straightfoward with him & about wha
- Taurean anger ?
It's legendary. What sets it off within you?? For me, it's not really the big things, I can handle that will usual Taurean aloofness. It's the small petty stuff. People who constantly nag at me and pick, pick pick about things that aren't really import
- puysical apperance
i have ascendant trine pluto, with venus opposition pluto and mars trine pluto, i also have a 12th house stellium(sun, moon, mercury, and mars), can u tell me how do i appear to people?
- Leo Man Left - Advice Please
I was with a leo for 9 years. We were living together and I had a difficult year last year. Lost my job. We lost our apartment. And then my boyfriend decided the stress was too much and he left. He called me one day out of the blue and said he didn't love
So I am telling a Pisces female than I like her tomorrow. Her Venus is in Aquarius and she's never been in love before or knows what that looks like, but the way she looks at me at times makes me wonder. I've never had anyone look at me the way she does.
- Solventar treatment
Which placements are prone to this? Receiving one from VIS ! maybe I do this too n I'm a Taurus sun!
- Silent treatment
Which placements are prone to this? Receiving one from a VIS ! I'm a Taurus sun and yes I think I do this too sometimes .. Best way to deal with this kind of manipulation is to ignore yes?
- leos? what's your erotic spot?
I've never known this!
- they've always been like that
People get into a relationship, and everything is plugging along swimmingly, you couldn't be happier ... then one day you realize that the other person is changing, that this person you've been so happy with has changed. when in reality ... they've a
- Leos
I love you (however, there are exceptions). Unconditionally. - Virgo
- The spark vs the full blown feelings
I was having a chat with a gal friend and we broached on the topic of having the spark as the start of the r/s vs one that was so smooth that both of them went into it so easily. I was confused by it and wanted to get some thoughts. Ladies, what were y
- Would a Scorp Moon, Gem Venus be attracted to a tactless but brutally honest person?
By tactless I mean those people who are undiplomatoc and have low tolerance for BS . The kind of people most people avoid.
- Men have turned me GAY!
I am done with dating men! I'm going find me a woman. Lol (I don't mean any offense, to anyone. please do not come bashing me for a light hearted statement)
- Hillary Clinton Is A Fire Pig
Anyone here like smoked ham?
- Best cuddle buddy...
Who was it and what sign where they? My experience: Aqua didn't like cuddling but would once in a while. Gemini never cuddled....just wanted sex. Lol Taurus did cuddle during movies but not at night, he had a certain way he liked to sleep. Sag-lov
- Scott Sterling
- Rejection
How do you Aries deal with rejection/breakups?
- Deciphering this gem
Hi! So I met this Gemini man at work 3 years ago. He’s 43yo and I’m 33, Libra and in an 8 year open relationship (he knows my status). I felt attracted to him from the beginning but we were awkward around each other and didn't talk much during the
- dip shit
salsa, guacamole, tzatziki, hummus, you name it. i love it. i love it so much, i made this thread i put some parsley in some guacamole the other day and it was freakin' awesome.
- what he f... with this leo man?
Well.... we havesomething between relationship and open relationship.....he was hot n cold all the time. when we are together he is always sweet and when we are apart hesometimes ignores me(not all the time...mainly after the days we sleep together ).
Part 1: I am a Gemini and I met the prefect Taurus. Well in my opinion anyway. I need loyal people in my life. This Taurus had been chasing me for 5 years. I am 26 now and he is 22. I finally decided to stop and give him a chance. On our first date he was
- Scorpio moon
How are they? Aries sun, Scorpio moon venus gemini
- The best job that fits a Cancer personality?
Lately, I've been getting bored with my job, so I'm thinking of looking for a new one but I'm not sure if what's that next job. I posted this to see what my co-cancers do. Thanks for the feedback.