June 9, 2016
June 9, 2016 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 9
Topics Created On June 9, 2016
Okay so 2 weeks ago Sag boyfriend randomly messages me and he like I just wanted to say you have HIV now ! And of course I start freaking and & going crazy then he goes I'm just playing and he starts laughing & I'm like WTF not fucking COOL!!!! So I end
- Retired USMC 1SG Al Baldasaro (Scorpio) vs. ABC Sleaze Reporter Tom Llamas (Cancer) FIGHT!!!
Tom Llamas is a SLEAZE, and he gets his ass handed to him by Retired US Marine Corps First Sergeant Al Baldasaro (Scorpio). I am starting to understand why people say to stay clear of any fights between Scorpios and Cancers, hahahaha!!!
- Shoe Porn
Summertime is slowly creeping amongst us, ladies. Let's see those shoes. I love shoes. 😈😈😈😈
- my ex libra came with the most twisted story!
- Why TF experience is so painful.
I never been in so much pain in my life. I move on easily and forget people easily by having a replacement. but why is this paring so hard to get out of. I want to move on . I need to move on. But my soul lingers, my body feels extremely connected. While
- Cancer Man in love with Aquarius man
Hi everybody. I've been seeing this Aquarius guy for almost six months but I have this feeling he's not as into me anymore. Let me give you some background. We're both Scorpio moons and I'm a Venus in Taurus and he's a Venus in Capricorn. Every move in th
- Vanity Songs
- is he worth my time?
Hey guys I am a Virgo female confused by Taurus male. We met when I was 15 and he was 17. I was a wild teenager so I walked by the skatepark spotted him, told him he was hot and asked him for his number. We went on a date a week later. Again I was wild
- Libra woman driving me crazy
Hi all I am in the fortunate position of having an amazing libra woman in my life. The only problem is that I don't know what she's there as. I wonder if any of you can offer some insight. We've known each other for 2 years now, and we're very similar
- Any successful virgo couples??? Stories and experiences dealing with your own sign
I just need to know how much patience it took u . I dealing with one and he so confusing. Ugh but the connection we share is the best I ever had
- Remember me? Leo and aries compatibility
So here we are 1 year and 6 months relationship. For the recent messages that i saw about these too signs i have something to tell. We are living tog for about 4 months. Nothing changes since we met, we fight like hell, almost every week. A week in peace
- Astrology Books
Hey All, Can anyone provide books, articles, links, etc to in-depth sources on astrology? I've been dappling in astrology for a few years and I am hoping to get a better foundation. I'm looking for books on planetary energy, archetypes, myths, astro
- Lindsay Lohan and her strange new boyfriend...
I couldn't help but find it strange that Lindsay Lohan is finally happy for once in that train-wreck she calls her life, and wish all the best for her. However, this guy that she is involved with seems to be shady as hell when his life is examined.
- Jupiter and Saturn in 9th house
Could anyone tell me more about these placements, they really confuse me. Are there any more people with these placements? I frequently read that Saturn in 9th house can cause problems in higher education and such. I actually never want to stop going to
- Beautiful
So we met and he swept me off my feet then backed out and said he wasn't ready for a relationship but would like to stay friends. I don't stay friends with my exes but considering that I've always been this way I thought maybe it's time change my ways. I
- First time experience and unbiased reaction to the Virgo Male behaviors. Quick Q & A!
Met a Virgo man. We broke the ice by having a wide dialogue of discussions at his place for the first date. Mostly philosophy, history and religion. Not the typical first date I was used to but after experiencing it with him, I was fond of the change,
- sun moon and venus in aries ex drunk tested me
A month ago my ex said he found someone new, a few days ago he texted me that he was thinking about me than sent me a video tellin me very much I ignored him,becouse I'm hurt and he knows it. It was his first time texting me after 10 months of break up,I
- Leos and Body Products
I read quite often how Leo ladies are crazy into clothes/shoes/bags, almost frighteningly so. But I'm not really into all that. In contrast, though, I have a wicked obsession (compulsion?) with lotions and lip balms. I have one of each for certain "statio
- I just wanna die
I hate living in this superficial world. I just wanna work open up different insurance policies and pay on them until I die and leave it with my family. This world doesn't love anymore people are about themselves and what u can do for them. That's not tru
- Scorpio Woman on a 'break'
Hello people I've following this blog since I got involved with the girl I am with right now. I always thought I was gonna post here one day. I am a Taurus/Bull. So my story with my lovely girlfriend has been going for far more than I year and recently
- Coincidence or just my imagination
Former Leo lover/friend cut me off a month ago (which hey, I respect peoples decisions. You want to leave, leave if not then stay and on top of that I blocked him on FB so I can stay focus) however already twice I've seen him drive around my job. Now keep
- Grand Cross?
My first great niece was born last night - she was a month early to the day - anyway, everyone is healthy and happy but now I have this little Gemini and I think she has a grand cross in her chart? Anyway, would love any feedback on this most perfect ang
- The sad moment when...
You WANT to be supportive and watch and comment on someone's astrology video on youtube.... ...but the video is so boring and the production leaves so much to be desired, your mind goes off somewhere and you have to fight the urge to sleep on your keyboa
- An observation about Cancers from a Capricorn (SirHorns)
Where to start? Getting to know you guys takes time, that reserved shell reminds me of myself in many ways. As opposites, we both aim for the same thing yet in different ways. Security is the keyword for the both of us. Usually financial, but other types
- how to get over your dying ex wife ?!
four years ago i was the luckiest guy ever i married my best friend at work after we fell in love for one year before we got married everything was fine until i knew that her family is more important than me or our marriage... i dont actually have a fa
- Thumbs Up, Dress Up
Lately, I've been wearing more and more dresses. I have decided that I simply want to wear dresses and skirts all of the time until I decide that I don't want to. From here on out, anything I add to my wardrobe will be either a dress or a skirt, and accom
- What sun sign is January 20th 1996? Cap or Aqua?? Different answers
When I google it says the sun sign is Aqua but when I did some free birth chart it said that the sun sign was a Cap. Which one is it? Birth time unknown. Minneapolis MN
- Taurus and Virgo sex and relationship. I'm intrigued
For most of my life I have been with fire signs. I don't know why?? I'm a female Taurus with Venus in cancer and Mars in Taurus. I have always had an itch for virgos but nothing has ever blossomed. I have been with sags, Leo's and Aires as my long term pa
- The Darkest Truth About Love