June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 26
Topics Created On June 26, 2016
(VENTING) No more air signs for me or just guys in general. Definitely no more GEM'S! Working on me and following my dreams. Men these days seem to just be a distraction and they all don't know what they want and they always want the opposite of what they
- Just a bout of frustration...
Okay, my Libra "friend"... I'm a Sag... we had a one night tryst and I opted to just be a friend when he became really evasive. Since I took sex off the table, we chat daily and deeply. He tells me things he doesn't tell him other close friends.
He los
- Hows dem apples?
Gem Male. 29.
What can you tell me that I haven't read on many of the sites. Only 1 or 2 sites come even close to "interpreting" detailed info. Most have the same old humdrum stuff - Looking for a bit more detail
- relationships and Moon, Venus, & Mars
I know the inner planets are most important in determining how symatico we may be we another person, but is one of the three, Moon, Mars, Venus a standout for you personally.
I find myself drawn to other Venus in Pisces peeps so I think Venus rules fo
- Any Capricorns who've dated Libras?
I've never seen one Capricorn date a Libra. In the existence of existence. I think I may have seen a Cap lady get with a Libra guy. But that didn't end well and nearly ended with the dude getting stabbed (he was kinda a dick). Never seen a Cap man hook up
- The confusion
I see tons of threads stating that people are confused about where they stand in a relationship. I'm constantly seeing people ask if they are even in an actual relationship or just fucking. I get that everyone approaches relationships differently and at d
- My ex Virgo gf and Gemini ol Me
So my ex and I have been broken up for a year and6 months now and I was making terrific progress throughout the time. She had found herself a new bf while her and I were talking about us. In short terms, she basically kept me as her 2nd option, and when s
- Astrology and Addiction?
Sorry if these questions may have been already addressed in the past...
1) Are there any signs that are MORE prone to addictions?
2) Which signs would be LEAST prone to addictions?
By addictions I mean of ANY sort - alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.
- How to deal with a Virgo female boss
My boss is a Virgo female. She's on the cusp I guess (Aug 21) but she acts more virgo (logical, judgmental, chatty etc).
Im a scorp & I think I've hit rock bottom at work lol. I just have to laugh because I just think this has become so petty.
I don
- venus aquarius
Are Venus I'm Aquarius men OK? Are they weird? I hear some say stay away.
- My twin flame isn't ready for me!
I'm lost, confused, and hurt :(
4 months ago i met a guy online and we literally connected right away. My life has not been the same and will not ever be the same again. I've been practicing The Secret, practicing gratitude and visualizing true love. Tha
- Weeeird Capri ? :D
Hi guys and girls i have a quick question about a Capricorn woman and it seems weird to me :D i thought water signs run hot and cold, but this Capri in my work seems more like a water sign, anyways we work together, we accualy laugh and smile more than we
- Cancer man not making the move after nearly 4 months!
Met a crab man (with aquarius moon, mars in taurus and venus in leo) online at the start of March this year - so far, it's all been ok, he contacts me daily to ask how I am etc, bought me a nice present for my birthday, eager for us to hang out, and
- blame it on my Pluto in the eight house, I love undercover relationships?
Anyone have this placement, or strong Scorpio influences that thrive off of relationships that are undercover... Maybe it's because of work place or whatever but I have realized it really works for me.
- A DXP marriage in a nutshell
- for those of you with quoting problems
If you see the \< blockquote> in your message with a period right before it, the period is what is messing it up. so put a space between the period and the less than sign and it wont misquote you.
- Well did he get it right?
- I'm just...
- Help this Gemini understand what my ex Virgo wants
So my ex and I have been broken up for a year and6 months now and I was making terrific progress throughout the time. She had found herself a new bf while her and I were talking about us. In short terms, she basically kept me as her 2nd option, and when
Can Pluto Opposition to someones Ascendant really be the cause of domestic violence?
B/c I'm apart of this Facebook group and this was one of the topics.. which I really cant speak on...
- My ex Virgo gf and Gemini ol Me
So my ex and I have been broken up for a year and6 months now and I was making terrific progress throughout the time. She had found herself a new bf while her and I were talking about us. In short terms, she basically kept me as her 2nd option, and when s
- What is the science behind astrology?
First of all, let's be clear - I'm no troll, nor am I an idiot. Don't talk down to me like one. I'm also not joking, but I'm not burning with desire to know the answer - I'm purely curious. And if you don't give me a legitimate or serious response, then i
- Why did this Virgo man block me from everything?
Ok, I need some Virgo peeps help. I don't understand what I did to make this Virgo man block me. During the winter we talked a lot got to know each other a bit. All was good for a couple of months, but then I was blocked. By phone, by snap chat and Instag