June 30, 2016
June 30, 2016 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On June 30, 2016
- Are there any nice people on here?
Yes, I created an account years ago and forgot my username. Yes, I was insecure and wanted reassurance. NO, I'm not a bitch or a slut because my profile pic had a bit of cleavage. Why don't you just all assume I'm an awful person and playing victim. I
- What are your favorite things
About your pets?
Other than everything, of course.
Our pit bull/ boxer (? She's a rescue so they're not quite sure) mix does this maneuver whenever she wakes up where she stretches out her back legs/hips behind her like a frog.
Idk of that made a
What do you other Caps think?
People who have been with Caps, does this hold true for the most part?
- Caps and grief
what are you like when you lose a pet/a relative? or a friend to death? are you more closer to loved ones or do you pull away
- How to catch an Aries lesbian ?
How would ya'll seduce this combo? She's a 24 year old female.
Ascendant - Sagitarrius
Sun - Aries
Moon - Capricorn
Mercury - Aries
Venus - Pisces
Her moon is in her first house and her sun is in the fourth.
- Venus in Pisces Man?
Have anyone been a relationship with an Venus pisces man? Or know anyone. Just curious how Aquarius in pisces are like.
- Any fire sign moon in Capricorn ?
Just curious to know any fellow fire sign have Capricorn in moon. Do u like being Capricorn moon? What are some of your dislike being a Capricorn moon? What's your sun sign ?
* I'll start off. My sun is in Sagittarius. I have a lot earth & fire in my c
- which do you prefer?
for ladies, generally, but men can answer too.
again, this comes up with man's profession because women seem to enjoy abuse/cheating in a relationship if the man is a president of a company or owns his multi-billionaire company.
like the story of
- Gee, do you ever like, never get responses on this site?
Or is it just me?
- I cared so much for this Aries, but the Brow beating and flipping things is .......
Not to sure how to start. I've made a couple of posts regarding my now Aries Ex. We hit if off, and everything went great, until in her words I had an "outburst" - which was me using the "fuck" word and getting annoyed at the fact she gave me the sat nav
- Earth signs and friend zoning
I feel like Earth signs friend zone more than other elements just from my observation. What do you guys think? Also Earth signs what are some reasons you might friend zone someone?
- Profanity filter.
Seems to me the profanity filter is on by default. Please, do something about that. There is a writing competition in just a few hours and I need to be able to swear.:)
- What you expect vs. what actually happens
Has this ever happened to you? You think situation A is going to happen, but then out of nowhere, situation B happens.
Or have you experienced this more: you think situation A is going to happen. And it does.
- So what are you doing this weekend?????
I'll be hitting up the beach tomorrow (Clearwater however I prefer Siesta Keys) http://images.trvl-media.com/media/content/shared/images/travelguides/hotels/Sarasota-602719.jpg
Then hit the Orlando Salsa Congress - if you love to dance Salsa, Bachata
- Virgos and Caps
This is supposed to be a perfect match. I don't get along with most Caps. They're bossy and don't know how to talk to people, but if you treat them the way they treat you they get upset. And if they work for you they seem to be insubordinate. Is it ju
- Well hello Mr.Virgo...
- How would you feel about your significant other not having any social media?
I've talked to people who has told me they'd like it that way so they wouldn't have to worry about other people trying to talk to their partner and they think it would decrease the chances of cheating. And I've also talked to people who told me they would
- The Writing Competition
Writing Competition
There will be a total of three assignments that will be given one at a time with a different set of instructions. The winner (and maybe a second and third place) will be announced after the third one. If I would have a great problem
- help me analyze the f out of this
would be awesome if i could get a third person analysis out of my chart -- thank you in advance!!
- charting??
How does one "chart" oneself? I am uncharted... I'm sorry I have no idea what it means and how to do it.. can anybody help out? I've been reading on this forum and people talking about their charts?
- Actiity that relaxes you? :)
- Freak accidents
I've seen a lot of car accidents and small planes crashing lately. I myself was in a car accident yesterday with my best friend and thank god we are fine. But my sister also lost two classes mates recently, one car accident and another plane accident. Plu
- Need some advice or a slap in my face
I found out that the cap i am living with is on whattsapp every 10 minutes and i don't trust this.. He didn't do it before just recently. Whenever i am not around at home, he is on whattsapp. How do i know that? I normally check his status on whattsapp to
- Libra Females and Pisces men.
Why does it feel like there is some sort of magic between these two signs? I am a Libra woman and I find that every Pisces man I come across sends a jolt of electricity through me. What gives? Aren't we supposed to be incompatible?
- The Continuum
What are your favorite action words? Out of a list of action words, pick the one you’d most like to do.
1. Sit. Stand. Walk. Run. Jump.
2. Float. Wade. Paddle. Swim. Dive.
3. Nudge. Push. Shove. Slap. Punch.
4. Hop. Step. Skip. Jump. Leap.
5. Touc
- Jus because im pepe lepew
Does not mean i stalk every woman i jus love hard very !!!!
- What would you do?
I've been seeing my ex again and it's been going great. Well, I thought. He "left" town to go visit a friend but told me he lied because things got complicated and he needed time. He told me he still wanted to be with me, loved me and it was just timing.
- intellectual stimulation lacking its luster
how important is intellectual stimulation to you in relationships? does it make or break anything?
I'm guessing my Mercury conjunct Venus has to do with this even though it's a wide orb.
I'm feeling guilty, but I used to have very intriguing conver
- This song makes me think of Cancer...why?
- Honesty?
Is Taurus the most honest sign of the zodiac? I think it's up there. Saggies always speak their minds but in a different way and I sometimes wonder how valid all that talk is.
Your opinion?
- Pisces and Money
WHY must the cookbooks make you all look incapable of being able to handle money competently?
I mean sheesh, it's one thing to warn you all not to waste money on leeches, but another thing entirely when a book suggests your partner should handle the mone
- Question to Libra men?
I was talking to this Libra guy, he was really sweet, nice, I like hanging out with him, but he wanted to have sex. I haven't done anything in a year and a half plus, so I want to wait until I am in love. I am a sag btw. He told me that friends with benef
- One more question? Sag women...
Have you ever felt like you were boring?
- I just wanna thank Duncan for fixing the "like" button
Makes no sense to only complain, so thanks ! It's much easier to throw a like :)
- Is 12 house synastry special?
Why does it seem like a lot of Gemini are attracted to me? Its both men and woman.. I am cancer rising so their sun usually falls in my 12 house.
Does the 12 house synastry draw them in?
I am now with a Gemini guy, he says he likes me and there is s
- Whats your type Sag?
I was looking at the Body Issue 2016 and I saw this man and I had to start fanning myself.
I knew immediately what his signs were and I was right.
I have 2 types that make me sweat:
Sag, Sag Venus
Taurus/Aries, Venus in Taurus
Im not surpris
- Feel like dying
I wish i wasn't here no more. I think life be easier on everyone else. I'm over everything at this point
- I can't believe I'm going to say this but.....
I had a dream with Jacob(bff)
He and I were naked in the bath tub. Not doing anything just sitting there. I remember putting my hands in the soapy water. I also remember the hazy daylight coming in through glass windows.
Please help me decipher this