June 8, 2016
June 8, 2016 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 8
Topics Created On June 8, 2016
- Capricorn Man driving me crazy
Hi guys, This is my first post here so please be gentle. I have recently started talking to a Capricorn man. I am a Capricorn woman so I understand the personality traits, but he is defying everything I thought Caps were like. He is always worki
- Single By Choice: Why Fewer American Women Are Married Than Ever Before
I see this as a consequence of “girl power.†We spent a generation telling girls they can do anything they dream of, but never at any point did anyone think to tell boys that they have to meet girls halfway. The result is we have a generation of
- Finding a moon for the Virgo moon.
People say that Cancer mooners are very good at bringing out the soft, emotional side of a Virgo mooner, and I've heard people say that they are a good pairing. But in my experience I've only become frustrated with Cancer mooners, their attempts to make m
- My virgo sex friend-its getting confusing...
Hi guys, I told a virgo guy that all I want is physical stuff and he was ok with it. Few days ago when we got together we chatted for about an hour and were talking after (pillow talk). He told me that he always thought I was the type who's looking to f
- True Story: This Ain't No BS
- crushing on an aqua girl HARD
its literally eating me alive lol i have like our whole lives planned i say, i am in LOVE and im almost positive she likes me back becuz i catch her creeping me and checking me out all the time (we work together) and shes like the first person to view
- Jupiter in 7th house = cheating?
Anyone know if having Jupiter in the 7th house influences cheating? Jupiter is in Virgo in this case and the ruler of the 7th is the Sun/Leo. I have heard that Jupiter likes variety. Also, since it is ruled by Zeus and he was a philanderer.
- Drugs are bad, Mmmmkay?
Drugs are bad, so don't use drugs. If you use drugs, then you are bad, mmkay? why is everyone on drugs these days?
- Feel the Bern!!! Bernie Sanders just conceded NOTHING! He is going to fight all the way to Philly!
Bernie just announced that he is going to fight all the way to Philadelphia!!!! Feel the Bern!!!!
- Knowing where you stand with Scorpio Man
Me and this Scorp have been involved kind of for about a year now. Moments of high intensity then always a fall out, getting into a fight this past fall that put us on not speaking terms for the better half of a year. The last year, looking back, I realiz
- Hey TrueCap
How would you describe a Cap Sun / Scorp Moon WWII US Army Vet? born in 1917 (From that much info) Just curious
- Will my Aries lover ever leave me alone for good ?
I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible. I have been on and off with this Aries for almost 4 years now, and I must say we have the awesome chemistry. The problem is he's unpredictable, hot and cold, moody, annoying, and loving. Sometimes he ignore
- Advice for inviting my Taurus man over to my house
I am inviting my Taurus man over my house for the first time and I am planning on making dinner, not sure what yet. He knows I am a single mom and is okay with it, has even told me they are reflections of me. I am definitely falling for him, and the other
- Virgo boyfriend broke up with me. Please I need advice
We broke up because he got really busy with work and school so we barley talked and it was hurting me because I wanted more communication. He say that it was hurting me and he decided to end it, he said I didn't deserve to feel like that and it hurt him t
- Do you believe some people are truly unlucky?
What if it's my luck and I'm blaming others? DAMN that's something to ponder... can't be i'm in my good luck years.
- Capricorn Sun/Moon combinations
From in Capricorn/Moon in Capricorn: Mentor You are quite a solemn person. You give off a wise image and you are somewhat introverted and pensive; indeed, common sense is one of your greatest assets. You seem to have an awareness that goes beyond spac
- Virgo boyfriend broke up with me. I need advice please
We broke up because he got really busy with work and school so we barley talked and it was hurting me because I wanted more communication. He say that it was hurting me and he decided to end it, he said I didn't deserve to feel like that and it hurt him t
- Gee, no one could see this coming....
- Are we a computer simulation?
Elon Musk is on that bandwagon now.
- What would you do...
if you recently found out that someone you consider(ed) a confidante, was telling all your business?
- bad???
- Virgo boyfriend broke up with me
My Virgo boyfriend broke up with me. Please I need advice! My Virgo bf and I were in a LDR (if you don't care about sun signs that's fine but I'm putting it there for some people that do) well everything was really good with our relationship until the end
- He turtured her. She left.
- Help with Pisces teen
Hi, I am not deeply knowledgeable on astrology however i have gotten some good insights over the years looking up my own & family member's signs. I am an early Aries Mom and my teenage Pisces son is starting to go down a dark depraved path. Any advi
- Thoughts
I have an active online account that I keep and check on occasionally. On Sunday , a Scorp guy started to message and it continued back and forth for a while. Anyways, we decided to meet up on Monday afternoon, which we did and it was all very natural and
- Asking someone to hang out too much?
This is a weird question but I need feedback. I met this guy, platonic, through work. He's really cool and a few times after work, I asked if he wanted to join a few of us for coffee. He always comes and seems to enjoy himself. He came to me the other
- Alan Watt
How come he has no Gemini, 3rd house, nor Pisces placements which are relevant for a writing and speech career? empty 3rd house? saturn in gem? Merc in the first? chiron in pisces? the only acceptable placements are venus in the 12th and cap merc co
- Women's relationship issues
I think this sums up 90% of why women don't leave a shitty relationship. (Seriously joking of course)
- Sags, do you have this?
This is 100% me.
- Could this mean something?
So I had a dream where I noticed a tree/root was growing on top of my head. I noticed it, freaked out and eventually removed it. It was just a weird dream. But it was so intriguing and it all looked so real (my house looked exactly the same as in real