May 9, 2018
May 9, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 9
Topics Created On May 9, 2018
- gemini friend hard to pin down- why?
In a nutshell we're both young in our early twenties - with simply a friendship between us. We met a couple months ago and hit it off pretty well, we share the same interests etc. We agreed to hang out together and we did originally. Lately she's been rea
- Unsolved Mystery: Kodak
Summer 2017.
On August 10, a local community cat, by the name of Kodak, abruptly disappears. His friends need your help to bring him home.
This is a recent image of Kodak.
He is a very well-liked, well-groomed, and appreciated feline
- Fruity Drinks?
So, let's get down to business and talk for real about this situation.
Any stories and experiences about males drinking fruity flavors of drink like "pineapple" makes their seman taste sweet?
I haven't experienced this at all, but I want to hear f
- Why do gay men hate women ??
First of all I’m not homophobic, ok?
I just notice this, it’s weird
A lot of gay men - I mean a loot- hate women ?
Why ???
Why do they hate women ?
I’m not talking about “love” and “to have” something for somen like straight m
- Are you sexually attracted to Water Ascendants?
What are the common traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces Ascendants?
What signs do they attract and are attracted to?
What are their sexual characteristics?
What are their best qualities physically and emotionally?
I am a Pisces Rising Male with
- Pisces do you struggle with working out and food?
I have Pisces Rising and Ceres. Do Pisces struggle with lethargy and fitness?
- Give me insights in a pisces sun scorpio moon man
What are they like romantically? Are they loyal? And sexually? Are they dominant or submissive in general live and in the bedroom?
- Capricorn man
So I met this Capricorn about 3 months ago. We have great conversations. We live 15 minutes away from each other & go to the same college. (have seen each other once only)
A month ago he finally asked me for my number and we've been calling a lot since
- Any experience with capricorn/capricorn relationships?
Please share your stories, It doesn't need to be romantic, friendshipwise is also good 🙂
- Where Should You Go On Holiday According To Your Star Sign?
When looking to get away for some fun in the sun, it is important to consider every aspect of the trip. With many changing variables such as location and insurances this can be challenging, however it does not have to be. Once your ideal location has been
- help me with my delusion
Alright, Im ready for the virtual slaps in the face to wake me up from my delusion. My Pisces friend has already told me I am delusional lol but here I go...
I just cannot forget how I feel about my ex.
I cannot
I miss him, I miss how he took care o
- Make up or break up sex
What's better? Make up, break up or drunk sex??
- Make up or break up sex
What's better? Make up, break up or drunk sex?
- Are we compatible?
Female scorpio SunScorpio26°23'
Moon Aquarius1°51'
Mercury Scorpio7°34'
Venus Scorpio12°04'
Mars Sagittarius6°51'
Jupiter Scorpio1°46'
Saturn Aquarius24°02'
Uranus Capricorn19°21'
Neptune Capricorn19°03'
Pluto Scorpio25°30'
Lilith Arie
- Cap man interested?
So I met this Capricorn about 3 months ago. We have great conversations. We live 15 minutes away from each other & go to the same college. (have seen each other once only)
A month ago he finally asked me for my number and we've been calling a lot s
- Aries woman puzzled by the strange behavior of scorpio man
So my friend and I were talking tonight on Snapchat.. sometimes he saves my Snapchat’s if it’s something sweet I said or like a pic of me(I only send fully clothed or face pics) or my voice. But anyway tonight we were talking, we never talk sexually but w
- Problems with my Cancer Man — Scorpio Girl’s dilemma
I recently started dating a cancer man. We have known each other for about three monthes now, two of which we have been exclusively seeing each other, officially boyfriend/girlfriend.
At first, especially before we were officially dating, it was all lo
- Chiron in my partners 4th house what does it mean ?
I can not find anything about Chiron synastry where as i would want to know what it means whenever my chiron is in my partner's 4th house
- Should your partner be your best friend?
I hear a lot of people describing /refering their partners as their best friend.
Recently it has become a trend or tendency for partners to be their best friend.
For me ,I really don't or can't seem to see my partner to be my best friend since there
- Problems with my Cancer Man -- Scorpio Girl's dilemma
I recently started dating a cancer man. We have known each other for about three monthes now, two of which we have been exclusively seeing each other, officially boyfriend/girlfriend.
At first, especially before we were officially dating, it was all lo
- Why do I always attract libras?
I'm a pisces male. I always attract libra females, but the thing is, I'm naturally shy and introverted. All the libras are outgoing and popular in their social circles, so I know the matches will never work. Despite this, almost every time, it's a libra t
- remember how i used to h8 pisces and geminis
well thats soooo 2016
the new most hated sign for me is leos
you aint shittttt
I cant stand leo men they are the reason behind all type of headaches
you meet one leo guy and he wants to be everything u ever dreamed off
he wants to be the
- Told my Best Friend I Love You.
Last Saturday, i decide i wanted to drink a little of rum and coke because i was having a tough week and i don't drink at all.
I was hang out with some friends online playing games and talking. My best friend was messing with me saying "oh, thi
- Can a concussion alter your personality?
Asking for a friend.
I like scorpio for almost 6 months. He acts like he likes me back and gives me those body language signals, but never told me that.I feel magnetic attraction between us. But I never told him I am into him.
Then My friend has told scorpio that he and I c
- Help! Talking with Taurus man about something he did
So, I've been texting/calling with this Taurus guy and we get along really well.
Usually when we talk about something serious or emotional, we're both a 100% present, but today for the first time when I was talking about my childhood issues and our co
- playing your roles ...
look at the roles below you relate to them does it relate to your chart ...if you were picking a role you feel like you would do it based on sun, moon, mars?
leo (“the crusader” - lawful good)
A lawful good character ac
- Are we compatible?
Female Scorpio
Sun Scorpio26°23'
Moon Aquarius1°51'
Mercury Scorpio7°34'
Venus Scorpio12°04'
Mars Sagittarius6°51'
Jupiter Scorpio1°46'
Saturn Aquarius24°02'
Uranus Capricorn19°21'
Neptune Capricorn19°03'
Pluto Scor