May 29, 2018
May 29, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 29
Topics Created On May 29, 2018
ITs ridiculous to have to root around trying to find them every time. And no one checks so you never get answers! This is stupid!!!!
- Is there anyway of winning back an Aquarius?
I was seeing and talking with an Aquarius for about four months and everything seemed to be fine from what I understood. Then one night she introduced me to her friends and invited me stay over her place for the first time, everything was fine that night
- Crazy Dream
I had a dream that I killed my former best friend from childhood last night. Lately, he has been having a had time. He lost his job, he has a kid, a wife and she's pregnant. He is also my neighbor.
However, this guy has pretty bad history. He is a drun
- Massively Effective Gamerpoop
LMFAO there's a ME Andromeda forum?? Well shit......didn't see that coming. I didn't ask for it though. Still, while it's here, might as well put it to good use.
- Long Distance Relationship with a Libra man, are we coming to the end?
Hi, I have been in a LDR with a Libran man for 2.5 years. I am a Scorpio. We have the most amazing times together and the biggest issue we’ve had throughout the relationship is not being able to see the end of the long distance. We have tried almost every
- Long Distance with a Libra man, are we coming to the end?
Hi, I have been in a LDR with a Libran man for 2.5 years. I am a Scorpio. We have the most amazing times together and the biggest issue we’ve had throughout the relationship is not being able to see the end of the long distance. We have tried almost eve
- Long Distance relationship with a Libra man, is it coming to the end?
Hi, I have been in a LDR with a Libran man for 2.5 years. I am a Scorpio. We have the most amazing times together and the biggest issue we’ve had throughout the relationship is not being able to see the end of the long distance. We have tried almost eve
- Libra guy Playing
How would you know if the Libra guy is just playing and using you ?
- East Point /astrolgoy in charts
what is the meaning of east points?
I saw that symbol EP
and anyone might want to understand the meaning?
i tried looking it up.. lindaland has some input on this. and astrology weekly forum
East Point and the Antivertex
Maritha Pottenger
- If you become rich / wealthy and decide to have kids.......
How do you make sure they don't become ungrateful little assholes?
Most wealthy kids are jerks ...i've gone to school with a lot.
- I'm an Aries. How to befriend A Scorpio Woman?
There's this Scorpio woman I know on the internet for some months. We're both artists and are in the same fandom. When I complimented her works the first time, she said she was flattered and actually liking my artworks too, and that she wanted to support
- Cancer driving me wild
I'll make this short and sweet.
Got dumped by non cancer
Met cancer online dating
Met up for a date and had mind blowing sex. Then went out to eat afterwards. Then had an adventure around town.
Told me he has problems dating women because th
- Have you ever asked god for a sign ✝️🙏🏻🙌🏻
Last night I asked the lord for a sign whether my boyfriend was the man for me, I asked him to give me a sign and sure enough he did.
That same night I received it and now we're no longer together.
Have you ever asked for a sign, please share your
- Aries Pisces cusp woman who is currently trying to get to know a Libra Man
So, I went out with this Libra man 20 years ago when we both were young only had two dates and ignored him because he just had a baby with someone (one night stand). I forgot about him until the other day when I located him on FB. He was communicating w
- Scorpio Woman in Love with Virgo Man
Virgo man reads my messeges but doesn’t reply this has been going on for almost 6 months now! What does it mean I’m really in love with him but pushed him away at first. He sent his location after I asked to talk to to him did he do it by accident or do h
- The Pisces SAGA (New Pisces Plot Twist)!
So in the spirit of me being sick and with nothing better that I could physically be doing I decided to share with you a recent discovery of mine regarding a crush I have on another Pisces iv met/hung out with a few times...
Now to those of you who hav
- Pisces sun trumps Virgo moon.
I renounce my Virgo moon, and I am done.
- Who is supposed to compromise?
Sometimes, when I express to my boyfriend how I feel he gets all offended or hurt and then it makes me feel bad sometimes.
Last night I was telling him how if a landlord wants to charge us extra rent for owning a dog imma call them out for trying to ear
- Persona Charts
I came across this article on
Are persona charts still being used or are they something redundant? Has anyone ever used it and found it revealing?
- Life Imitates Art.....
In this case, Monty Python?
"So, he said: “I would urge all those with any role in relation to knives - manufacturers, shops, the police, local authorities, the government - to consider preventing the sale of long pointed knives, except in rare, define
- Astrological placement for a particular fetish
Im wondering if anyone knows of a particular placement or aspect that would create in the man a fetish for watching his gf have sex with other men. Im dealing strictly with Scorpio sun signs on this, which in itself I find rather shocking as Im used to sc
- Discreetness
As a Taurus , the creator of the zodiac signs aka dopest star sign aka the ace of base aka infinity stone is just a stone without a Taurus blessing, how can I tell my Pisces gf to get birth control politely ? Thanks!
- just had to post this
hahahaha...i posted this as a comment in another thread but couldnt resist posting it as a new topic
cause it just cracks me up how taurus is misunderstood
rule number one (and i cannot stress this enough)...when it comes to taurus men:
- What does it mean when an ex keeps asking questions and talks about his ex
So I been done and moved on from my ex many months ago. But daily I keep hearing from other people whom my ex associates with that he keeps talking about me and asking questions. He is getting married in few months and been in a relationship with another.
- Please don't tell me all Virgo men live double lives!!!
I don't want to believe this to be true but I have a number of men (friends and family) in my life that are Virgos. They all have this sneaky vibe about them in which I've always told myself that I would never... ever date one, ..well never say never...
- Organ donation and ethnic minority
Watching the news they were highlighting the shortage of organ donation amongst ethnic minorities and the fact that only about 4% donate organs. Obviously many more ethnic minorities need organs than those people donating them.
What are your opinions o
- Bye Roseanne
You are a vile woman who is in need of some serious therapy.
You should have never even been given a show considering how you dressed up as hitler and burned gingerbread men in the oven.
You thought that man in office gave you the permission to say
- Pisces man with low libido.
He has venus in capricorn and mars in leo.
Definitely seems like the romantic type, but he doesn’t appear comfortable or is very reserved when topics of a sexual nature come up (i.e., very conservative when it comes to dirty jokes; he told me he was tur