May 27, 2018
May 27, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On May 27, 2018
- Sag and Fish Pairing
What do you guys think about a Sagittarius female and a male Pisces pairing, both with moon in Virgo, and both have Lilith in Scorpio.
- Where to find trusted Modeling jobs
Where to find trusted Modeling jobs ??
Does anyone know good sites where trusted job postings related to modeling are posted?
- What it takes for a Virgo to be pushed too far ... agree or disagree my virgo's ?
I am very patient tolerant and always have a solution for everything, i'm the ultimate optimist but once pushed too far i can become ruthless, careless i always try to avoid this side of me to come out because i do not want to be selfish or ignorant.
- Capricorn guys and ladies.. here are some few questions for you to answer..
1. How do you show love to your special someone?
2. When you say “long term relationship”, is it for life?
3. Do you ever cheat or do you cheat because she is “ not the one” for you yet?
- Just checking...
If this works...
- Am I losing my Libra boyfriend?
I'm literally so confused as what to do with my libra guy. He's really in a tough spot (financially) right now, caught in between boyhood and manhood. When I met him last year, he was just moving out from living with roommates and now hes back with his mo
- This girl has no damn clue about sagittarius i think ....
The most likely list
Win an argument
To become your stalker
To become famous
Fall hard fast
To kill someone
To be forgotten
Have a happy family and settle down
Hop from relationship to relation
- Update on crazy Gemini relationship
She recently went quiet on me for a day and when we did speak she told me we were too toxic for each other, and that in time I will see what she sees and agree we shouldn’t be together. She told me she’s never been hurt like this and spent all night cryin
- Confusing Gemini
I have feelings for a Gemini man, I’m a Sagittarius woman. I’ve know him for about a year now. He found out I liked him from a friend, and his response was a laugh and he said “really?”. Afterwards, him and I would lock eyes, laugh, look away. We had casu
- Virgo/Libra women troubles
We lived together just shy about one month from our 2 years together (dated sort of 8-9 years ago when freshman in high school) I’m a Taurus and I believe she’s a full blown Virgo but she says she’s a libra, born September 24. It’s been about 5 months now