May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 23
Topics Created On May 23, 2018
- Can’t deal with love
I’m an Aries woman and i’ve always had problems with love. I am realistic in matters of circumstance why it can’t work out and I just can’t make promises to keep being with a man so it happens that I act a certain way. Not all the time since I do like the
- holy shit
i just found out yesterday wasn't memorial day
- Choose three celebrities/ public figures who you feel embody your personality.
I'll go first :
1. Aziz Ansari ( hopefully a little less annoying)
2. Judith Butler
3. Drew Barrymore
- Notifications for PMs
Can we get notifications for PMs/DMs as well?
It's really tedious having to click on Account then click again on DMs. This is a pain, especially when I miss DMs from a teammate during a DXP game.
Fix this!
- Why are you moody af?
Just spent a great afternoon with my bull at his place - he bought me a bottle of Champagne bc I've helped him with something work related, he cooked, sunny day, dolce vita. We planned to make a short trip at the weekend. Everything's fine! A neighbor len
- Confused
So, he is an aquarius and I am a LEO. The attraction/chemistry is undeniable. We see eachother pretty much on a daily basis due to our jobs. I try my best to NOT be so attracted to him because we are both in other relationships. But it's not working, I ca
- Please suggest some good online free Novels sites.
Please suggest some good online free Novels sites.
- Does anyone know good/trusted remedy to reduce dark circle?
Does anyone know good remedy to reduce dark circle. Please suggest only which you have tried personaaly and worked for you. Any method like home remedies or medical treatment or creams which helped youll personally to slove issue of dark circles
- Being Romantic according to you
What does being romantic means to you?
What does it mean when a guy says i am not romantic at all ?
- How to start writing song lyrics ?
Hey there,
I do make simple poetry but aspire to write song lyrics. Has anyone ever tried writing song lyrics ? How was your journey, How did you start with it, How was the overall experience ?
- Kneelers
New NFL policy.
Can't say I didn't see this coming.
I suspect season ticket purchases are down, among other sources of revenue.
Be interesting to see that
- Libra invites you
Is it a good sign that a libra guy is inviting you to a getaway with his friends?
- Would this be a good romantic relationship?
- How possible is this?
I haven’t had much luck with my Pisces man as a Taurus female. My sister is an Aries, also just met a Pisces man. She’s much more temperamental and harsh than myself and insensitive. I have told her what I have experienced with my Pisces to kind of guide
- What to do next...
I started a “close relationship” with an Aqua man in January. We’ve known each other almost 5 years. A bit of background...he’s in a ltr, I’m married. One day we started texting each other about everyday things and next thing I know we both admitting to w
- Skeptical about this
I haven’t had much luck with my Pisces man as a Taurus female. My sister is an Aries, also just met a Pisces man. She’s much more temperamental and harsh than myself and insensitive. I have told her what I have experienced with my Pisces to kind of guide