May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 6
Topics Created On May 6, 2018
- Aries woman/capicorn man
Okay, here it goes.
I met the cap man on snapchat we chatted back and forth occasionally for a good 4-6 months. Random comments on each other post. Nothing serious. Then he began commenting a little more often and we started getting to know each other.
- Calling all Aquarius or people who deal wit Aqua! I'm confused!
My question is: If Aqua guy SUDDENLY blocked me at Instagram, deleted the old facebook friend request (he usually ignores friend requests) BUT he leaves the option open at Twitter, my other Facebook and Instagram (for family and friends). Does it mean he
- Cancer girl went silent
Here goes the story...
I've had this girl as facebook friend and we chatted online a few times because we're in the same bookclub group. Extremely short convos.
And then one night, I went out to this place I visit regularly. She was there, standing
- Uranus in the 7th
Any one?
How is your love life....?
Do you look for the unusual in a partner, prefer multiple partners, or the unconventional ?
- How to win Cancer woman back after I broke up with her because I was angry at her.
I'm a Virgo man who's been with lovely Cancer woman for over two years. The beginning of our relationship was like an extraordinary experience - never met such a lovely person in my life, also other aspects were super-good. We were happy, and love
- Capricorn and Aquarius compatibility? Can someone shed light?
Recently I've been pursued by an Aquarius and I've been doing some reading on them. While I'm not surprised that Aquarians can stake friendships with signs of different elements (especially if other's natal chart contains air/fire elements), I was astoni
- Silly humor. Please suggest
I just watched The Lego Batman movie. I
Like it! 😅 Will you guys please suggest a movie like this.. or like Guardians of the Galaxy funny characters silly lines
Thanks! ❤
- Several nights on a row dream
What ya heck is going on if I had begged to see someone in my dreams for years and only had it a few times and now when I went crazy and basically moved on - I see him in my dreams every night?
Non sexual. But very sensual like...being very close not
- water sign tricks yo.
gimme your best water sign tricks :D :D :D
tell me how you got em ....without breaking a sweat ...
seduction without saying a word ...
how you gotta away with murder ...
how you changed s
- Update to My Aquarius Saga: A Cautionary Tale
So I (Libra) have been in a relationship with the aqua now for about 2.5 months.... It's kind of weird lol and still a rollercoaster.
Does anyone have experience in being in an exclusive relationship with an aqua?
I'm just feeling like he isn't put
- Meeting Parents
How significant is it for a man to introduce his gf to his parents? Or is it no big deal?!