May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 11
Topics Created On May 11, 2018
- Weird vibes from Scorpio man
Hi guys,
I am new to this forum and immediatly marching in with my dilemma.
I met a Scorpio man about a month ago (I am an aquarius) and he was really putting in the work. He texted me and called me a lot. But it was also a lot less than im used to
- Weird vibes from Scorpio man
Hi guys,
I am new to this forum and immediatly marching in with my dilemma.
I met a Scorpio man about a month ago (I am an aquarius) and he was really putting in the work. He texted me and called me a lot. But it was also a lot less than im used to
- All in my feels with this Cap
So me and my Cap friend (love interest) have seemingly been progressing... As of recently, my Aries ex had been showing up uninvited and demanding to know about my personal life. He threatened to "kill" anyone he saw me with, and from that moment, my hig
- Is it the end or only a rough patch
Hello. I'm a scorpio woman dating a virgo man for a few months now. After spending some time with each other we hit it off and we moved forward quite fast because we couldn't deny the connection. We always had a good understanding. It's been over a month
- Are you attracting the same sign all the time as well?
I feel as if I'm almost cursed. I've been on 5 dates for the past few months and all of them had their Mars in Gemini (where my descendant is). Not sure if this is a good thing but it's kinda weird. Do you experience similar things like keep attracting th
- Will a not intrested scorpion guy allow me to get close to him?
So If scorpio guy just see me as friend and is not intrested to take it more ahead so will he still allow me to flirt with him, touch him in playful manner, allow me to tease him.
And with that behaviour of mine if he feels that maybe I'm intrested in hi
- I'm so into this scorpio friend of mine!
I'm so attracted to this scorpio guy.I want to take move but he is ignoring me currently. What to do!
- I love this Leo man which things won’t work out
So to make a long story short. I asked him to come over he said he can’t because he’s still talking to his ex which he explained that to me before. But in my mind I thought he would still want something with me because every time I saw him he would hug na
- Pursuing a divorcee
Hi first post!
So I met my Taurus friend over 6 years ago. At the time I was casually dating a guy who would eventually become my husband. After 2 years my husband and I agreed to separate and officially divorce. Since then I reconnected with the Taur
- Competition?
Ladies~ Ladies~
Hello beautifuls.
I understand that there is a lot of you that do not care about this kind of stuff.
Being competitive. However, what are you going to do when your current boyfriend, fiance, or husband's ex-girlfriend is being comp
- Double whammy aspects. Thoughts?
Moon opposition mars
Mars trine moon
Mars square lilth
Lilth square mars
Saturn sextile pluto
Pluto square Saturn
Synastry Double whammy
- I wonder why my scorpion friend warned me not to discuss my sex life with anyone
So one day I was discussing about marriage life with the Scorpio guy who is my friend and on whom I've crush.
I somehow went on the topic of honeymoon night of my friend (girl). So I told him that how my friend shared everything about her first time and
- Scorpio man playing games and lying?
Hi I am new here and would like a little insight on the Male Scorpio psyche.
I met a 40 something Scorpio 2 months ago at a mutual friend’s party, we were both alone and when were where introduced he said “She’s Gorgeous” and I said “I like that”. We
- Which sign is the least airy/fiery/watery/earthy?