May 20, 2018
May 20, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 20
Topics Created On May 20, 2018
- Do you ever do a friends birth chart reading
And sometimes they don’t reply. Do you think they’re freaked out
- Tantric massage
Have anyone ever performed prostrate massage on their man?
External or internal? Share please...
- Yet another attempt of a mafia game
Hi everyone, ET here and I wanna try to do another Mafia game if possible!
Gonna readjust the amount of players and roles (As some roles aren't possible in a forum section such as ToS and in addition, the vanilla game which I base Mafia off
- Solar Return next month
I'm turning 30 in June and I'd like to know what to make of my solar return chart. Possible major event on the horizon? Any insight is appreciated.
- What’s going on with Uranius affecting Scorpios?
Is it serious?
- How To Apologize To A Pisces? (And Will They Forgive?)
My Pisces fella moved to another state last Monday. We’ve been communicating everyday. However, yesterday was a bit of a problem.
Wednesday night, a mutual male friend of ours came over to my house, drank beer and hung out. That night he said to me, “D
- All these people these days quoting "Narcos" to try and sound cool..
I'm thinking to myself "pfff! my dad actually met Pablo Escobar on a Sunday afternoon in the cafeteria of his public Zoo/Hacienda Napoles in the mid 80's, and guess what? I was there as toddler too. Does that make me cool too? 😑
- He Loves Me?
Cancer man nodded his head & said “yes” when I asked him multiple times “do you love me?”...
But I reckon his ignorant behaviours over text & lack of communication/contact will not cease.
- To love a cancer is painful
I have been friends with a cancer man for roughly 6 years. He has always had a thing for me. Finally about 6 months ago I have into him and let him into my life emotionally and sexually. We got married (something he really wanted). Now, he constantly a
- Virgo male and a massive head f**k
Gemini woman, Virgo male. Some may already know my story but basically met each other 2mnths ago, connection was amazing. He was always chasing me and texting me but then when I showed interest and feelings, it went the other way around.. then it turned t
- Fall into in the early stages of dating an Aqua man
I knew an aqua man 6 months ago.
It’s fun, it’s sexy, it’s exhilarating…
I just can’t get enough of him. He keeps texting me to come over and, when I do, he’s all over me, which means he can’t get enough of me either ..
But then suddenly – after
- Virgo BF dumping me - We live together
Been together two years, and have lived together 1.
It all started with constant nagging at me. He would point out everything I do “wrong.” So I tried to accommodate him and stop, but no matter what I do to please him, I have always felt that it’s neve
- What Other Signs Think About You
I'll be back to add to this. But, what are your views on sun signs other than yours?
Please share. 😊
- @LadyNeptune
I found your soulmate. He:
- is a 30yo Italian stud with plenty of muscle to go with him
- has a nice ass
- is vegan with an affinity for healthy eating
- is a dog lover, having rescued at least 3 dogs & prefers dogs to humans
- Virgo sun/dominant
- Why the heck do I attract po boys??
Get in my belly 🤤🤤
Post your fav po boy or sandwich images I guess.
- confused taurus woman
I met this guy about a year ago. He seemed attracted to me ,he never said anything but i just could not escape hypnotic eyes.
He is in a stable/serious relationship so do i, but there's a strong chemistry. I honestly love him and have no idea where i sta
- Capricorn and scorpio soulmates?
I read often that these two sigs are supposed to be soulmates and I'm curious about your experiences 🙂. Tell me about your capricorn/scorpio stories.
- How do I explain to people that I have periods where I just Dissapeer?
Took me my entire life to realise it...but although I have many friends, im always missing dates, never reply to text, and generally have no real drive to see my friends. theyre usually just always around. I dont keep contact with anyone, although id rath
- My Libra grandpa seen for the first time after 26 years
My grandpa is born on 7th of October 1943 until yesterday I've never met him because of circumstances and family issues. The thing is he wants to do euthanasia he's 74 years old and in a lot of pain the moment he saw me he got emotional he was very happy
- Who will a Scorpio choose as a friend between an Aquarius and a Cancer?
Hi. I want to share my story to get some insight from Scorpios.
I'm a married Cancer woman and my husband is an Aquarius.
My husband met a Scorpio man when he was dating me and they became good friends and they talk quite often. I was also introduced t
- Charts Or Tarot?
So, I had an Astro reading and the individual was telling me, about the planets and how they're 'affecting' my life.
Now, in that specific arena I did a Tarot Reading to see if the information was adding up or conflicting. The Tarot told a different
- What sign pops back up in a PISCES life the most?
Just curious to hear some of your answers. I say Leo and libra...