May 17, 2018
May 17, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 17
Topics Created On May 17, 2018
- Capricorn Guy and me
I have been dating this Cappy guy for 2 years and a half now and I can say the relationship is great and happy and everything in between. But still I am asking myself does he really like or love me? We don’t talk about the future but I met his two kids al
- About LadyNeptune
She's the closest thing I have for a "love interest" on dxp. And I'm not even kidding...
- Does anyone follow Trashbag astrology on instagram???
It’s so fucking good someone should post all the pics in here
- so what do you think is my ancestry?
That's me in the middle. The other two are my siblings.
- Do you guys watch porn?
Why and why not?
- 6th house planets and how they affect you personally
Please only respond if you have sixth house planets.
I want to know which planets you have there and how they affect you.
I have Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Saturn conjuncts Uranus, opposes Mercury in the 12th and squares Mars in the 10th.
How if ha
- Looksmaxxing: A Comprehensive Study told through the eyes of Linda
So, I am just sitting here, having a wonderful conversation with Hare about gluten, and we came up with a great idea of doing a research project. Our results are as follows....
- What would the synastry be like between two people born a day apart?
All of the planets would be conjuncting each other besides maybe the moon by a few degrees. Does anyone have experiences with partnerships like this? What kind of dynamic plays out, just curious.
- I dont want to see my Scorpio friend
So I got a call for interview and my interview was schedule for next day. When I learned that the company that I will be going to is the same where my scorpion friend works. He is actually ignoring ne these days but still I text him thatI will be comming
- Planets in 8th house
I have Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune in the 8th house. As it’s the house of death I’m freaking out. Can someone explain?
- My jealous Taurus Sister in Law
I am a Pisces married to a Capricorn man. He has a 3 years younger sister who is a taurus. Her age is 28.
She is always jealous of me and the way I dress, do my hair, copies my selections and decision, the way I talk, etc. She hates when I do somethin
- Dear Diary: The pressure is on
I ambushed my boyfriend with my feeling as Applebee's yesterday during happy hour.
I know, I know, I appear to always have the worst timing, but I suppose liquid courage was involved because you Taurus/Taurus Signs are so intimidating and hard to talk to
- Did you know you eat Devils fart?
Pumpernickel is a type of rye bread that is originally from Germany. The origin of the word is pretty entertaining: It’s a German word that comes from pumpern, which means to to break wind and Nickel, a take on the name Nicholas, which is associated with