May 26, 2018
May 26, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 26
Topics Created On May 26, 2018
- Stupid question. Does astrology apply to animals or only to humans?
Sorry for my stupid question but do you think animals also have a zodiac sign and their characteristics.
My labrador dog is a Pisces 🐶❤️ Born in March.
And I realized that she's super affectionate, has a sad expression often, but she's the sweetest dog
- Bdsm in astrology
so it's most likely that people with this placement like bdsm
Sun trine Saturn
Moon conjunct mars
Moon trine Uranus
Moon opposite Pluto
Mercury trine Jupiter
Venus square Pluto
Mars trine Uranus
Mars opposite Pluto
Jupiter trine Saturn
- Why most Pisces look gay?
With my Virgo Sun and Mercury and 0x water in my chart, I can make a squad of Pisces around me, and just realized, they all kinda look gay?? Most of them are not, as far as I know, but do they even share? :)))
Have you guys noticed that too?
Was wonderi
- Virgo moons
...if there are any still here lol. Men and women but especially men.
How cool are you with a FWB scenario if you claim you have feelings for someone?
Asking for a friend (lmao...).
- Just got played
was reading a topic called "ever got played" and it was deleted the very second I clicked on the next page!
- Mercury trine pluto and Saturn opposition Venus yields startling new discovery
I found out...
- Another Cap hero..:-(
Born January 8th
'He gave himself so others would have a chance': Heartbreaking open-casket funeral is held for heroic Santa Fe school shooting
- Champions League final
Extra time or not?
- Where's your Political alignment
Does it hang a bit to the left?
I'm always surprised by my own ignorance and my stupidity and obliviousness but that's why we have youtube right? Makes me wonder. I'm expecting Aquas to lean to the left but prove me wrong here.
- Hey ya'll
What's going on. How is everybody doing. I miss my sags, seems like we are all off adventuring like always.
- Spinoff: How Long Do You Wait Before Introducing Your S/O to Your Children?