December 26, 2018
December 26, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 26
Topics Created On December 26, 2018
- Scorpio’s and cheating
I’ve tried looking into it myself somewhat but personal opinions from the scorpios is best right?
The situation I’m kind of looking into is, me and my ex just broke up for the second almost a month ago(dated for 3 years/ lives together for 2. She’s a li
- Christmas 🎁
What’s the worst Christmas present you received this year or in years past? Random, awkward, passive aggressive, or just plain rude...
My friend’s step-grandma gifted her a framed photo of herself from 6 years ago...she’s pretty sure grandbitch took it o
- virgos and social media?
do virgos like~ all their crushes posts/photos on instagram/facebook etc or would they not?
If a virgo doesnt like your instagram photos but likes other peoples, does that mean hes not into you?
- I need help, How to turn down food?
Hi guys,
So I am super healthy overall and I can diet really fast if I stick to healthy diet plan. I have one downfall though.
I am super frugal, I dont like wasting food and I like free food lol I just love food honestly
This problem become worst duri
- This taurus man (30) I met online treats me (f/21) like shit. I'm so stupid that I don't let it go.
Met three months back, just casual, I was smart, talkative, kept him conversing, made memes, was funny, lowkey depressed, desperate, never had a relationship and internet was my only escape. We talked for a few weeks, he didn't tell me (Gemini, did I ment
- My scorpio responded
Last night I broke down and texted my scorpio. I told him I missed him and was sorry for the way I ended things. An hour later he messaged me back. We talked for about 40 minutes, but generic. He responded last the last text. When we were dating he was al
- Do you know what you want?
For my fellow Librans...
At one stage in my life, I thought I knew what I want, as I get older... other things became more important like career, money, and stability.
I'm no writer and I created this account a year or two ago and spent most of my tim
- Mars in Cancer men
What do they like during sex? Do they like for their chest to be kissed during sex?