December 27, 2018
December 27, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 27
Topics Created On December 27, 2018
- What are some great songs about having feelings for someone who is unavailable?
I don’t mean songs about an ex who’s moved on or an ex wanting you back. I mean like you meet someone thru your work or social circle and end up falling for them but they’re already in a relationship.
- Libra leaving door open? Or just being nice?
We broke up for the second time like a month ago, lived together for two years and this year split for like 6 months and got back together for almost another 5, I was holding some resentments and had some personal problems going on, showed love to her but
- Happy holidazed
Been fuuuckin both the Capricorn n Pisces females brains out lately for the holidaze , Santa has blessed them both signs a huge galaxian taurus diick, ur welcome biitches. & this site has been overrated w hella drama n pieces of shiits as always i c ,
- Mixed signals?
Trying to figure out what’s going on with this Pisces man I’ve been hanging out with. We text/talk everyday but when we are he isn’t flirty or anything of that nature. However he’s always making plans with me and trying to plan future things. I also have
- Bagels
Are Jewish people the only ones who really enjoy eating bagels?
Before you get offended, I am Jewish. This is why I'm asking. I've been eating Bagels since I was a baby. In fact, I'm eating one now. My mother(who is more Jewish then she would like to ad
- What’s The Attraction Between Taurus & Libra
Taurus disgust me but I’m seeing a lot of threads here. I don’t find anything attractive about Taurus women so what do other Libras find attractive about Taurus and vice versa for Libra.
- What does an emotional connection look like for Aries men?
I have seen a tiny bit of softness in my Aries guy but he moves so fast it’s hard to feel it often. But just curious on other people’s experience with Aries and how they act when they are in love, emotionally?
- Boo'd Up?
What's the "match up"?
Ie.: please list your zodiac sign + their's.
Just getting to know the room - nice to meet you.
- This Taurus is ditching me on New Years.
let me just say... im pretty calm about this, maybe because I don't believe he will do it but at the same time knowing that he might actually do it. so clearly im putting faith in the fact that he wont.
my boyfriend has gone to new York the past couple y
- Is it really love?
So I've been thinking about this.... what different cultures consider Love. For example North American culture is pretty much set up against love and it takes a lot for people to consider themselves in love. There are tons of other words people use befor