December 20, 2018
December 20, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On December 20, 2018
- Does he like her appearance?
He has in natal :venus opposite neptune (gemini-sagitarius), she has in natal pisces ascendant (Saturn on the ascendant).
Please help, i need to know the truth
- Confused by Taurus ex?
Hi all,
So I don't have the complete chart for the guy in question, but here are the parts I know off-hand: Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Gemini venus. I have a Libra sun, moon and venus.
Anyway, here goes: We met and dated for a year, it was wonderful, we wer
- I swear I'll probably fap on 90s music
currently listening to it and it's making me cry
i'm just glad i was growing up that decade
born '87
- Will a Virgo woman come back/miss me? (Cancer female and a Virgo/Leo cusp female)
I met this girl online and we talked for a while and went on a few dates. She expressed to me that she likes to date around so she was seeing other people while dating me at the same time. She then sent me a courteous text letting me know that she had dev
- Why is he so nice and caring at the same time emotionales s
- Nice Virgo
So I've been posting this about this Virgo guy that I'm dating.
We hang out a good bit every week - I mentioned before he's nice and respectful - he seems shy but he's not really?
Long story short, I wasn't sure if he likes me so I asked and confronted
- I am shocked by Aries
After 3 months of non stop communications and few dates that were magic...last night among all he tells me ‘I want you to be my better half’...
He said many things before that I was dismissing due to a craziness of it and short time of knowing each other.
- ohh my lorrrrdddddddd
Okay so I've been friends ish with this Aries guy for 3 years or so.
I know him through our mutual friends, at the beginning he told me he fancied me but I fancied someone else at the time.
So being the sexy Aries he is, he moved on and it didn't real
- Oi!
I'm losing game here.
What are steps about??
DealINF a capricorn tending his cookery utensils.
I was thinking, "dam how can he is perfect??!"
It is just beyond believe.
Continue please!
- How to attract a libra man
There is this libra man who i really like. Are there any ways i can attract him? I am a gemini woman.
- Gemini moon VIP
What’s the most Gem moon thing you’ve done/seen today?