December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 21
Topics Created On December 21, 2018
- Bi-lesbian coworker groped one of my colleagues
*trigger warning*
The colleague is preggers and the bi-lesbian figured she'd feel and fondle her tits to "determine" this. And on the job aswell. I am not sure the colleague knows the bi-lesbian is bi-lesbian. Would that make any difference do you think?
- What will Aries say...
...if I went for a drink with another man after he told me we are exclusive?
- Tactics and games in rs
When I read about somebody is playing games in rs or having tactics...I am always confused imagining how is this supposed to go?
Man sees the woman who caught his interest. Thinking ‘I’ll state at her for 3 days. Then I’ll say hello in a sexy manner. The
- Questions about satanism
So you know how some Christians believe there is a heaven and hell, and that hell is torturous so you better follow the Ten Commandments?
Well I was wondering, if you’re a satanist do you get “saved” from the brutality of hell? Also what’s it take to be
- How do you react to unreasonable people who stress you out: freeze, flight, fight, or fawn?
Freeze = you just blatantly ignore them or procrastinate in dealing with them or whatever they want from you
Fight = you actively argue or snap at them or somehow take action against them
Flight = you up and leave, or quit, actively avoid them, or try
- Gemini man with attitude lol
I couldn’t stand Gem men my whole life. Then I’ve met 2 I love and thought I was wrong...
Then someone sent me self description made by Gem man:
: I may just be the most awesome person you'll ever meet..' 'I'm dangerously overloaded with intellect.
- I'm obsessed with this Cap Woman :
Hey guys. I'm just posting here to vent a little bit and need some piece of advices, please be kind.
I feel a little bit jealous and I do not really want to be that but I am at the moment, the girl I'm speaking with, it is getting more and more serious b
- Gemini Moon
I love dudes with this placement, they are always very witty and make me laugh all day long. Who else?
- Secret Santa Gifts! Merry Christmas!
Alright if you registered before to play on the previous topic, now you can post in here to give your gifts. You can post anytime from now till the 25th (and honestly you can post after but of course is the idea is to give your gift before or on Christmas
- DXP Awards 2018 - The Vote & Sneak Peek at Partial Results
It's almost 10 PM here in the Philippines so the list of awards and nominees is now being finalized.
Are you excited???
Ok then. I'm supposed to have a date right now but I told her that I have
- LADIES. Would you stay with your man after he cheated?
Same conditions as the thread originally posted by LethalFantasia in the man cave:
Quoted conditions: "But she came clean about it, was 100% honest, told you it was a horrible mistake, etc. And everything in your relationship was solid before the cheatin
- good conversation topics with virgos?
I get very nervous around my virgo crush so I blabber on or forget what to say :( the nerves get me, what are some things I can talk to them about that wont annoy them? lol
We already covered our common interests etc. We're both quite slow so we're still
- Chiron flirting around Aries until April 2027
How is it affecting you along with it's current house placement?
Natal placement and sign?
- Sun in Capricorn AKA GOAT SEASON
Let's stand and cheer for the GOAT sign! #GoatSZN