December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 25
Topics Created On December 25, 2018
- Desperately need advice
Hi, I'm a virgo gal in need of some advice. For a few months I've been dating a scorpio man, we had a wonderful time, laughed talked etc. He opened up to me so much. However, I was always hesitant, I didn't want to meet right a way, but he always kept on.
- Do you have to chase and ask the Virgo man out?
Do you really have to chase the virgo man? Or ask him out?
The virgo man I know is so subtle. He is subtle and seems interested and cares
But I always have to initiate a convo with him but when I do he always answers. He seems very shy too
- Venus sq mars & Mars sq pluto synastry
Hi guys!
What are you experiences with the following aspects?:
sun sq sun (exact)
moon (him) opposite sun (me)
Mars (me) square Pluto (him) (Tight ORB JUST 1 DEGREE)
This is Me and and a guy I’
- Have you had the following synastry aspects?
Moon opp sun (he’s moon i’m sun)
Venus SQUARE MARS (both ways/ or “double whammy”)
Moon square mars
Mars square pluto (this is our tighest aspect... 1 degree. i’m mars he’s pluto)
We’re getting to know each other and wow it looks like a diaster
- Aries curiosity...
Is it non existent?
This morning he woke me up at 6am with flowers, penguin and dog...
Told me...again...that he isn’t going anywhere...
In about an hour he texted me...’are you Gemitati?’
My heart stopped but I said did you find THAT out...
- Depressed Pisces
I have so many reasons to be happy but just got my heartbroken. What can I do to get out of this depression. I even contemplated suicide.
- Should I just get back with Leo man who you used to date and flirt?
Me and this Leo man been dating and flirting, sending all those morning texted and meeting friends and all
But at some point we faded out cause of a small matter and I am not good in handling situation like that at that time.
After few months, he texted
- What planets or aspects would create a "wolf in sheep's clothing"?
Someone with a deceptive or secretive personality. The friend everyone thinks is charming (whether it be due to physical appearance like a baby-face/exceptionally beautiful or one with a disarming personality) who will be the first one to hurt anyone who
- When people don’t match your efforts
Like when you say I love you with hearts and kissy faces to someone and they In return say luv you or luv you much.
I’m not only talking about romantic relationships but family and friends?
I’m having a moment idk why. But I don’t feel appreciated by
- Do pisces men ever come back?
I'm not good at keeping a story short, but I will try.
So, we met at the end of june 2018, neither him or I had interest in each other. We worked together from july till the beginning of September, he was my boss, which seems unethical, but it wasn't, we
- Some thoughts about pisces men?
I posted this on pisces forum, but I thought maybe I could get some valuable insight from my fellow capricorns too.
Don't hate me for my looong post, please 😊.
I'm not good at keeping a story short, but I will try.
So, we met at the end of june 2018, neit
- Old flames rekindled for Pisceans?
Fellow Pisceans, many tarot readings reviewed this month indicate we are supposedly going to be contacted by ex-lovers this month and next month.
Does this hold true for you?
I am currently moving on from several past relationships, and pursuing new thi