December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 19
Topics Created On December 19, 2018
- Santa Bunny...
Ho Ho Ho!
It's that time of the year again!
Since Bunny wants to bring good cheers to everyone, he's willing to give you GIFts (silent
- Terraminelightvoid is Back!
We miss you, bro!
- Outfits You Will Wear on DXP Awards 2018 Ceremonies on December 29, 2018 to January 1, 2019
Please bring your most gorgeous outfits for the most awaited ceremonies of the year!
It will run from the 29th of December 2018 to the turn of 2019, New Year's Day!
Are you ready?
Am I ready?
- Showing men gratitude
Outside of sex, best way to show a man gratitude and appreciation for their efforts?
IMO women want to feel loved but men want to feel respected. So mushy worda just dont seem like enough... there needs to be something of substance besides feelings.
- Whats a relationship with a Virgo without a good argument
If there is no argument then there is no relationship and you have no meaning to the virgo.
- Have you tried Civet Coffee?
What does it taste like?
How bout Rabbit Coffee?
- Advice for Aries man
I just need advice since I’ve digged myself a bit of a hole... im Leo, 21 and this Aries is almost 27. We work together, and instantly hit it off, platonically, though it didn’t take long for us to friendly flirt. Two weeks later, I found out he was marri
- Will virgos get clumsy when they're around someone they like?
- Signs libra man is into you
I have a coworker who is a libra man and I am a gemini woman. I have a crush on him and wanted to know if he is also into me.
I am always helping him with his work. He talks a lot and shares gossip with me. He has done act of kindness like: pull the cha
- Cap baby mama drama
I had no idea how crazy a cap girl can become when jealous. Me and this Cap girl share a baby's father who happens to be a Cap as well. Her child is older then mine by a few months. When I met Cap guy he had told me him and Cap girl were not together anym
- What comes to mind when you see these aspects?
Positions of Planets
Sun 14°37' Capricorn
Moon 17°14' Virgo
Mercury 23°55' Sagittarius
Venus 0°19' Aquarius
Mars 27°51' Taurus
Jupiter 11°32' Я Leo
Saturn 26°11' Capricorn
Uranus 10°00' Capricorn
Neptune 14°17' Capricorn
Pluto 19°43' Scor
- Signs libra man is into you
I have a coworker who is a libra man and I am a gemini woman. I have a crush on him and wanted to know if he is also into me.
I am always helping him with his work. He talks a lot and shares gossip with me. He has done act of kindness like: pull the chai
- When will someone finally blow the lid off the heavy Scorpio bias in astrology?
Anyone who has been reading astrology blogs recently and even astrology stuff put out there in general knows that no other signs gets praised as much as Scorpio does. Even the bad things about the sign are portraying it as a so called badass of the zodiac
- Tea behind these placements.
Currently interested in a Virgo Sun/Leo Moon/Libra Venus.
Has anyone dealt with these placements before (in combination or separately)?
What are some turn ons and turn offs?
I'm a Pisces Sun/Cancer Moon/Aries Venus.
- I keep waking up at 3:33am.
I know there is a lot of folklore around 3:33am.... but does anyone have any idea what the significance of being woke out of a sleep at this time is? Mystically speaking of course.
- Roosagicorn HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
...and many many more!!!
Wishing you all I am wishing to myself! Be happy and kind as you are. May true LOVE enter your life in 2019 and forever from then!!! ❤️
- Pillow Talk
How important is it to you?
Are you a participant?
Other thoughts...