December 13, 2018
December 13, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 13
Topics Created On December 13, 2018
- I think Leos might have it in them to defeat and manhandle Scorpios, here is why.
I notice that Scorpios are by nature an envious sign but they are also secretive in nature. The signs that I think can commonly manhandle Scorpios tend to thrive in the public and can defend themselves against public opinion while Scorpios live and die by
- Missing dxper
Name: Dazed
Alias: Arkansassy
Ethnicity: Solanum melongena
Height: 5.5 inches
Weight: 2 pounds
Last whereabouts: Miscellaneous board
Last words: "I'm here for you"
- Mafia League Part 3
The Boss is stuck in a board meeting. He has been getting grilled about the chaos that has already been happening in the MLF and how it is bad for its image.
The Boss is trying to defe
My cancer guy friend., keeps denying his feeling even though its already show in his action and hes become defensive, he can get moody on me im a caps.. we used to be fwb. But i stop that things. We still good friends we still hang out but no more sexythi
- Met a new friend
On vacation. In improv class...
I had planned on asking him his sign. I felt cancer or water in him. During a comedy show, someone started asking signs.
We found out were both Saggis. And we live in the same area.
He follows me around. I follow him ar
- Leo Over reaction
I am a scorpio sun sign with Leo moon. BF is a leo sun sign with a cancer moon. Both 33 yrs old.
I brought something up last night that upset me. Basically his reaction to our plans not working out. Today he jumped on the defensive hard core and overrea
- DXP Awards 2018 - Petition to Remove Categories/Awards
Everybody is hereby given the privilege to seek the removal of certain awards or categories.
1. Only the nominees may post their petitions to remove the awards or categories.
2. The awards/categories shall only be removed upon the secondment of
- Sag moon men vs women
How are they different?
- ( For Research Purposes) Favorite disposable vape pen?
for my dxp members in legal states
please list both Brand and flavor
- Do Aries men too proud?
If I’ll offer to pay for anything - will Aries be offended?
Just feeling like I want to participate but considering him being DA MAN...I don’t want to make him 👀 mad...or upset...or thinking I am undermining his abilities to afford whatever it is going o
- Why are Cancer women like this?
I'm a Pisces male and have been with a Cancer lady for over two years. We have been living together for over a year now. December 1st she broke up with me and now acts like she wants me dead. She won't speak to me face to face, we've had to go to mutual f
- Serious question, why are you so guys so desperate to promote yourselves as the "strongest sign"?
I mean there are countless blog posts and articles where you are saying you are the strongest sign, the best mars placement (sorry to hurt your feelings but that award goes to Capricorn) and it seems like an obsession with you people.
Now I am genuinely
- Pisces soulmate?
Hey guys, need your advice on how to proceed with my current situation.
I found my Pisces man on tinder (I’m Aquarius) while he was visiting my country, we met in a bar with friends (his buddy and my girl friend) and hit it off immediately. I felt instant
- Sagittarius Guy it confuses me
I have this fwb relationship with a sag guy and everything was just wonderful, friends, talk like friends, supporting each other and suddenly he started to be jealous and possessive with me, reclaiming me for spent time with my husband, of whom
- My new granddaughter
She is Libra sun Libra moon, Aries rising. what you guys think? what will she be like? what is the best things can i do for her as a grandma?
- Which signs have the most cruel dark side to them when seriously pissed off?
Meaning they might not get angry as easily as an Aries or Scorpio does (being ruled by Mars these are signs that naturally look for confrontations anyways), but what signs out there get your vote for being signs that might be a lot more slow to anger but
- Can anyone share more about Virgo Sun Taurus Moon combo?
Almost no info about these positions in the awesome internet. It's for a dude, I have his other planets also, if anyone is interested :D