December 16, 2018
December 16, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On December 16, 2018
- The Grande Shit Test
I was thinking about this because this is the largest shit test a woman could put you through, and the most recent woman in the media to commit this shit test against her boyfriend was Ariana Grande.
It's just simply when a woman breaks up with you... If
- Friends with Benefits
What are the Do's and DONTs in your opinion?
I'm just trying to understand what is normal, since it's a situation where there is no strings attach, but sometimes it leads to a relationship at the end.
I was reading stories about it. I'm curious
- Scorpio Seeking Advice Re: Virgo
Allow me to introduce myself: I am a proud, yet unstable scorpio(f). My rising is in Leo which I believe is the reason I have so much swag and flare! My moon is in Aries which I believe is what makes me pursue all my desires in an all-or-nothing fashion.
- Tarot Card Hater
- Camp Gem guy
I met (another) gem guy last night...and he was SO camp but straight!!! His mannerisims and gestures were out there GAY..but he's not. It put me off which is s shame because we had loads in common.
- Venus sign in Gemini?
I wanna know about venus in gemini
My fiancè was born under cancer sun sign
And his venus sign in Gemini.
I wanna know more about venus in gemini?
Does anyone here have answers?
Thank you
- Post your favourite satans: a.k.a Cars
I was into one particular game arcade a while back. I was into Gran Turismo in PlayStation and another one in (thesecretcompoundofexperience)
So, males. Let's go get them, fave cars of days.
Not dreaming, I promise you..
- so my ex and i had a bump
So, i met my Gemini at an event at first it was awkward. But, i spoke to her, after that before leaving she bumped into me. She asked me how long am i would be in town, and mentioned she isn't doing well in her exams and failed. She is really smart so i w
- Pisces V and M
How does Pisces in Venus and Mercity affecting anything?
In this case Aries sun and Moon
- Should I tell the Virgo man I like him?
He's shy and reserved and seems kind of like a busy guy as he works a lot (Virgoish lol). I remember one time he was about to open up to me but then he was like scared and said nevermind lol. he wanted to be friends and some how we ended up as friends wit
- Is it possible he changes his mind?
I have been with this Aries (venus in Taurus) for six months now, and he's pretty much been the greatest boyfriend. But oh man, stubborn. Stubborn to the point he's nearly died twice because he wouldn't go to the doctor. Like seriously, wow, even by my
- Capricorn personalities? ALPHA, BETA, or OMEGA
Capricorns, what personality traits define who you are, who you were, or tying to become?
- Should I dump my libra boyfriend for good?
I started a relationship with a Libra man but I'm so confused with his actions. I'm a Cancer female.
When we're together he says that he loves me and treats me like a princess but lately he doesn't message me or communicate as much as he used to. I'v