December 10, 2018
December 10, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 10
Topics Created On December 10, 2018
- Scorpio LOVE
Hi guys ,
What are the sure signs a Scorpio man is in true with you ..
- Any advice?
This is embarrassing to talk about and I’ve talked to people in life but I figure why not ask the strangers of dx 😂
So I want some advice on how to get along with men better. It’s come to my attention that I’m still ackward and it’s needs to be worked on
- What is the situation with this girl? (Natal chart included)
Ive been interested from this girl I met at work for a while now, she has a lot of tattoos and thats all I seem to know about her right now, and I want to know what her love "style" is and a deeper look into her personality, she seems to have trust issues
I have a gemini & cancer man friend/co-worker overseas. Gemini is very vocal in his feelings towards me, but being Straight forward capricorn, i told him that i dont like him and i see him just a close friend. But he still asking me even i rejected hi
- Loyal Leo Man?
According to many articles on Leo men, they tend to be loyal and sexually charged. My Leo has this need for personal space/independence so one day, he suddenly zones out and doesn't make any contact, and surfaces the next day saying sorry for his zoning o
- Wacky & Iconic Local Commercials
New York has The Wiz, Los Angeles has Crazy Gideon's. What wacky/iconic/bad local commercials come from your area?
- My Cap ex reached out to be through mutual friends, But I am going to wait it out...
Ok, we had a nasty drama about 5 months back involving a mutual friend who backstabbed me to create a bad impression in front of my ex, and she fell for it. So I decided to move on with my life, and so did she.
Fast forward 5 months...
Now she's asked
- FWB ( falling )
I have a gemini & cancer man friend/co-worker overseas. Gemini is very vocal in his feelings towards me, but being Straight forward capricorn, i told him that i dont like him and i see him just a close friend. But he still asking me even i rejected hi
- No-Bonk Holidays
Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. When you have a disease plaguing your planet, you have to take drastic steps in order to eliminate it. What disease am I referring to this time? Why, LIBRAS, of course!
- Does this Virgo like me or not?
Hi Guys,
So I've posted on Virgo forum once and it was about 3 weeks ago.
I don't know how to put this but I like this Virgo man, I think... I'm not sure if he likes me though.
So I need your help :)
We've been going on 2 -3 dates a week for the la
Im good with money, but perosnally im not going to give up my comfort for it. Ie: work 21 days in a row...crazy hours and leave myself exhausted.
I need a balance...becasue i work hard but im a lazy fuck too.
My s.o on the other hand he can't turn down a
- Pisces Sun - Sag Moon
Is anyone familiar with this pairing?
For record, the person in question is also a cancer asc., cap venus. I'm sooo very curious because
I'm feeling a little whipped, lmao.
- Open relationships and sex
It’s a real question. I’d like to pose.
I’m in an open relationship with a bisexual woman. She tells me her relations with other women and due to her feelings for me, I’m on a don’t ask, don’t tell policy. She asked me to limit my sex life, use protectio
- That gorgeous cranberry color dress
...that was posted in BDSM forum and we’ve asked link to that...
Have it ever been posted? Share please...
- Capricorn men ghosting
I’m a Taurus female and have been casually seeing a Capricorn man for about 6 months. We met online and had been seeing each other once or twice a month, but over the last month he started contacting me more often, talking to me through the day/week, and