April 4, 2015
April 4, 2015 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 4
Topics Created On April 4, 2015
- What about your love language..
So what's your love language dear cappys. Mine is act of services :)
Looks like it's getting completely wiped out... Is Duncan a Libra? %-}
- For all those witty vagabonds!
For cancers with venus in gem people , I wish to know how does the gemini part manifest in your personality? also c
- Had to have Wine Night with Moonie ...
on FB so we couldn't even try to rile the Rabbit ....
- The Iceman, The Virgin and the Dominatrix.
This is a topic for all the women on this board who have come and gone and will come and go.. ...completely unaware t
- Cancer man needs space out of the blue!
I dated my Cancer male for a couple months, I'm a Cancer girl too. It was like love at first sight & he asked me to be h
- Cancer man needs space out of the blue!
I dated my Cancer male for a couple months, I'm a Cancer girl too. It was like love at first sight & he asked me to be h
- Dogs Strange Behavior
My Cancer guy friend came over to help move some furniture. My Scorpio dog was behaving strangely. I've never seen him a
.......................................................................................... SCARABS and Scarab Jew
- 6th house people - do you feel kinship with them?
Do any sun sign Virgos here feel kinship with people with strong 6th houses? I'm a Scorpio but I have 5 planets in th
- Study of Couples and their Sex Lives
Hi all, I hope it's ok that I post this here. We've found that most people who like to discuss relationships in foru
- Mind games?
I have this Leo friend. We hit it off the day we met, and become close very fast. We got together one drunken night but
- I want to regain my friendship.Help Please?
Don't know why the previous threads aren't working. Sorry,It's a little lengthy. :/ okay,so there is this aqua guy.He
- Cancers make me feel uncomfortable!
Why? I have no idea... but most cancers make me feel uncomfortable. Are cancers known to be judging? Because I always fe
- Signs that...
...Are best friend material? Mine without a doubt is another ARIES.
- 2 months, limited emotion
So in 2 months with the sag, still no sex. I got a peck on the lips bout a month ago and 2 cheek pecks. ugh! What is
- The smiling man deceived me!
So, a couple of months ago I had my first ever experience with sleep paralysis. The man I saw was wearing all white, he
- ... because people CHANGE.
........................................................................ A friend said this to me yesterday, when
- Why do we hate each other?
I have a Virgo friend and we have a very sibling like relationship. We know each other inside out, and when we're gettin
- Can someone explain why I am so obsessive
I am sun and he is pluto. The sexual attraction is like we can't even speak,but we both can look at each other for hours
- I'm a Taurus man seeing a Virgo woman. Need help!
Hey guys and gals. THIS IS GOING TO BE LONG BUT PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING! Let me give you the whole story between me
- Did I do the right thing to my pisces date? Help.
Well, we're in a LDR We almost broke up once during valentine's day. So I unfriended him on facebook, and thought abou