April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 17
Topics Created On April 17, 2015
- Is it common for CW to like someone else while the
while their in a relationship? Relationship for months, but then there is a new guy that interests you out of the blu
- Taurus girl crushing on Cappy cusp
So I'm a Taurus girl never dated a cap before but since I've gotten into astrology been curious about them because I hea
- Cap with Venus in Pisces
I'm a Taurus girl currently crushing on a cappu cusp (jan 19) don't know much about caps just looking for some info and
- What do you think of Breast Implants?
Hi everyone! Thanks for reading! I know this question might have been asked a million times, but I decided to ask it an
- Inside every Scorpio...
...There is a Taurus. Inside every Taurus there is a Scorpio. It is as meet with the yin - yang, this is the connection
- The end of Jupiter in Leo narcissism
Jupiter enters Virgo (June ) complete with metrosexuals , selfies , body worship , half naked women in the streets. A ch
- Spiteful and Vindictive ....
We've all dished some out at one time or another, if we're honest. My worst experience was with a Pisces sun & moon
- BEST I Ever Had! ... Sexy signs who do it for you
GEMINI. Hands down BEST sx ever ! I liked how open he was to experiment. Who's your BEST?
- Confuse of my current situation with my Libra BF
I need someone's advise regarding with my situation,my Libra Boyfriend. I am in relationship of one month with my boyfri
- Tattoos
I know quite a few earth signs who have tattoos. I've also known more than a few water signs that will NEVER tattoo thei
- What's your boob size?
- Is anyone else tired of the Scorpio/ Virgo questio
First and foremost I'm REALLY getting aggravated about.... Why did the Scorpio leave me and giving me the silent treatme
- Whichbsign has thebleast testosterone?
- Which sign do you refuse to date
For me it's Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn. Ew. I wouldn't want to be friends with a Virgo either, leos are annoying af and c
- Famous for Dishing it Out...ONLY!
Which sign is famous for dishing it out (busting balls!) but can hardly ever take it back in (getting knocked back upsid
- Aquarius
Has anyone else heard this version of the song?
- TAURUS what would be your best present this year
Let me begin * a hot steamy sex with my V in Scorpio man * * a day out in nature with my childhood best friends *
- Virgo woman + Aquarius ex; still depressed HELP!
Me and my Aqua ex have been over since September; it was partial LDR and only like 3 weeks physical relationship. But w
- Libra and Taurus Immediate Attraction...
Okay so this is totally random, but I was on my guy friend's plenty of fish account, looking at girls, (I am a girl lol
- Anyone know where to get math tutoring online?
Hi everyone! Thanks for reading! So, I wanted to know if anyone is aware of math online live tutoring? If so, how much
- Scorps and 'friend stealing'
I'm a sun scorp, taurus moon, and gemini ascendant (lawd help me lol) but anyway anytime someone introduces me to one of
- Ego Tripping - Let???s Trip
As another Aries season soon comes to close, you can take stalk in things coming to a head.?? The Sun is exalted in A
- Would you let your partner do this?
So..I just want to see who's more open minded despite being possessive etc.. Would u let your bf/gf have sex with the
- My Scorpio neighbor
Sooo I've been neighbors with this guy for about 8yrs. He's always caught my eye, but since I was married I never pursue
- Calling all people dating /seeing a Cancer
Dont you ever feel neglected? Like the distant moments are way too much? Blame it on my lack of sleep but I don't