April 28, 2015
April 28, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 28
Topics Created On April 28, 2015
- Helo me interpret this, please!
image hosting 10mb limit
- I think I'm in love with Evan Peters
I never really thought much about his looks but I the more I watch AHS I like him more and more and I was watching coven
- Pisces Women and Domestic Abuse
Hello I suppose this is an open ended question. Please feel free to share personal experiences and leave feedback.
- New :-) Help with insight into my chart?
Hi everyone! New to all this, sorry if its asked all the time but I would just like to know what my chart means.. if you
- Happy Birthday ScortchedEarth
Wishing you all the best! Happy Birthday!!
- what this site has taught me.
It's only been a few days since I've logged on and a little while since getting into astrology and for me I can say bein
- Moving on from an aqua male
Hi Everyone, I see a lot of posts on here about being in relationships with Aqua males and trying to work things out
- ascedant and its ruling planet placement
hi guys how do you think your rising sign affects the house where its ruling planet is located in the natal chart. I'v
- No shot at all or is there still hope
So I originally posted this in the relationship forum and it hit me what better place to put it than the Cap forum. P
- Token of appreciation
Hello cancers I want to send a token of appreciation to a cancer male but not sure exactly what should I send because he
- Crush dilemma
So there???s this guy I???m friends with on Facebook. We have a lot of mutual friends and stuff and he???s really popula
- Do all Cancers take stinky craps?
The answer is yes. Well, depending on their ascendant.
- Fake Orgasm
Have any of y'all ladies ever faked an orgasm before? Lolsssss:)
- Your comments on this
Found something about Scorpios on web. just out of curiosity what are your opinions ? Scorpio don't need peace and ea
- Knock, Knock!
Door creaks while I peep in lolsss? Before ya'll kick me out I just wanted to say hi fellas*waves* How are you doi
- Which signs have the most stamina?
I notice Aries and Taureans can run and fight relentlessly with no tiring in any way between. They're pretty strong. The
- Ok I effed up again w the Aquarius ex...
Last time we talked I asked him for a dvd that was mine and I was gonna be in town. I just said you can leave it on the
- is it just me or....
is it just me or Aquariuses the most relaxed, friendly, and easy going zodiac sign? i know so many aquariuses who are
- Facebook
How many people have an account for Facebook? I do not.. I am a private person anyways..but those that like social media
- Sag is my boss..
so, this is the first time i deal with Sag man, so need your help guys! firstly, we are working together.. ok, let me t
LOL. GO GIVE ADVICE ON MY POST. AS MUCH ADVICE I GIVE ON THIS DARN SITE, Very seldomly do i ask for advice on here no
- Can anyone break the code of my chart plz
Don't know anything about it but it'd be interesting if anyone over here can read the chart. Comments welcome
- Tourist attractions
So if a newbie wanted to visit your country, city, or state? What places, events, or activities would you recommend
- Wow, super interesting!!
So Ive been doing a lot research on how the astro chart works. I was just looking into my Ascending Sign and what it
- Are Sagittarians the wounded healers?
Just a thought....
- How would a Lunar Piscean w/ Cap stellium act?
How would a guy with Pisces Moon & Capricorn Venus/Mars act when he's crushing on someone/in love? Would he be more of
- Have you ever...
Have you ever been talking to someone casually? But there were feelings involved on both sides, it's like you both like
- Have you ever..
Have you ever fell in love with a certain kind of person who brings out a very spiritual side of you.. For example, you
- Tell me what my virgo was thinking after this text
I was a little emotional over the weekend and sent this text to my Virgo guy. We never discussed the text and he called
- Venus in Leo 12th House
Hey everyone! :-) Does anyone seem to understand or can clarify an easier interpretation of the 12th house in Leo? Somet
- Why Do Leos like Scorpios?
Hello I'm knew here but find everything so interesting and exciting. I'm a Scorpio lady who seems to only attra