April 16, 2015
April 16, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 16
Topics Created On April 16, 2015
- A Novena to our Lady of Mount Carmel
This publication is in thanks for the recovery of my sister in law who collapsed with a cerebral aneurysm last Sat but w
- The Flag button
So many threads are getting flagged and taken down these days. Is it possible that SJWs have penetrated dxp under a guis
- Over emotional Ram with detached fish?
so there's like a reverse of role with my friend and her boyfriend. She's got an aries sun, aries mars, aries mercury, v
- Immature Leo man Mature Scorpio woman
So I have been LD dating with Leo man for almost 9 months now. We both have a very close mutual friend which is how we m
- Are we compatible in a romantic sense?
The exact birth time of the man is unknown, but he has a gemini moon. http://imgur.com/JC4dk01 http://imgur.com/WmbQkG
- Is DXP racist because it uses a white background?
- Should i believe this Cancer man?
I started seeing a Cancer man 5 weeks ago and as far i was aware he was single and we started going out, things got pret
- contradicting venus in scorpio statements
These statements are contradicting one another People with Venus and Scorpio are generally loyal and passionate lov
1. Ultra Romantic 2. Cares way more than they really should 3. Love sex to the point of obsession 4. Sense of humor o
- How Cancers handles heartbreak?
How you guys handle a heartbreak? . Lets say you're in a relationship and you love your partner soooo much, you did ever
- Boring guy.
So the last few years, I've become very introverted. Now it even seems that it's getting worse because expressing my
- Taurus woman cheated
I'm a Virgo male, she was a Taurus woman. Now I don't mean to offend any Taureans out there, but from what I have read,
- First Glances At My Chart
I have been looking over my birth chart for the past few days and trying to string it all together. For the most part it
- Need help:Gemini Men
So I started talking to a gemini man a few weeks ago and everything seemed to be going well until he asked me out and I
- Worst Stereotypes about Women & Men
My favorite worst one... Men get to be ???bachelors??? while women are reduced to ???spinsters??? and ???old-maids.?