April 23, 2015
April 23, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 23
Topics Created On April 23, 2015
- Cancer chasers
I keep reading the sane thing for everybody so thought id post. Most of the time cancers are not acting a way or saying
- Aries men, please help me to understand..
I am a leo woman (32). Back in September I met this Aries guy (27) at the film academy. Where in the same class. From th
- Welcome HoneyDip!
I wanted to make an official welcome thread for you, welcome to the sag board! :) It's good to have you and your fres
- Libra moons family
So I've got four other siblings and I'm the youngest...doing some astro research last week I looked up their charts and
- Anyone experiences with Aries men?
I was only talking with one once, but next day he changed his mind in something and I hate this so much and I never took to him again and deleted all his contacts. I don't like peoples who change mind , ideas from today until tomorrow and Aries is one of
- Mutable man = Absolute cheaters?
Do you agree?
- Vedic Astrological Archetypes
http://soulmatestars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/LIIS_Archetypes_Of_Singles..._-_How_To_Find_Out....pdf Found this
- What is going on with this scorpio
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum and have a situation which I'm sure u can help me with?! So I had a little argum
- Your
well so into my second job and chit chatting with the gals there. it is a very laid back atmosphere with other open-mind
- Can someone plz help! Idk what this means! Newbie!
What or who should I say, does Neptune refer to? Me or the other person? Thanks in advance! I'm a newbie! Please be k
- My Ex
Here it is... Me:Cancer/Scorp Moon Her: Aqua/Cap Moon? After 2 years of an intense relationshyip which almost res
- Sun Conjunct Pluto
Anyone experienced this with someone else? What is/was it like? I'm curious to know more about this!
- That moment where you have the that feeling...
I love you and would fight for you without hesitation and without mercy BUT, I want to be no where near you for at leas
- An other problem with a taurus man
Hello ! :) Before writting everything, you may know that english is not my native language, so I apologize for allll th
- Analyzing/Psychology
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I'm a Taurus male with Aquarius rising, Gemini Moon and Mercury/Venus in Aries. I'm extremely
- Family emergencies?
My sister's boyfriend walked out on a interrogation at the Sheriff's office. Apparently he's broken into a convenience s
- Scorpios cheat?
So I keep seeing this new guy around at work and I kept getting an inkling he liked me but he never went out of his way
I know this has been covered, but I wonder if there is enough variance in the rising, moon and venus would it work? My