April 18, 2015
April 18, 2015 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 18
Topics Created On April 18, 2015
- Perfect show to explain cancer woman
I had to sit my friend down to watch this show bcuz a lot about the show reminds me of her. Watch the show and it will h
- My Cap BF is Bisexual
My Capricorn boyfriend told me he??s bisexual. He hasn't made is official, non of his friends know but me. I guess he fe
- Socially awkward aquarians
https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110630054159AAHuOw5 I read this on Yahoo! Answers & thought it describ
- Do you lie about your feelings?
Do Scorps lie about their feelings? (I know my ex has in the past after we broke up.) I'm wondering if other scorps do
- Crickets
Why is the pisces board so lame? Are you guys off daydreaming or something.. All I hear is crickets.
- snubbed
i went online on the messenger. then he came online as well. i decided to just chat him up. sent him a hii, then he im
- I am going nuts
I have been dating this scorpio man for close to two years.He is driving me nuts.When we are together it's like heaven o
- Aries (f) dealing with a very manipulative Gem (m)
I keep leaving him, he comes running back and I let him back in (like an idiot). He's just so fun to be with and the sex
- Good places to find love
For those in relationships, where did you meet your significant other? Some people have advised me that I need to put my
- Aries: What are your thoughts on Libras?
My dad is a Libra and he is definitely a people pleaser. He's very intimidated by me and has always given me what I want
- Gemini Men: What are your thoughts on Aries women?
Try to be as honest as possible :)
- What do Sagittarians like about Aries?
Y'all are hilarious and very critical. Y'all (unlike many) have the balls to tell it like it is (well, some of you).
- Sooo....
LOL I know Scorpio Moons are known for our creeping.. Like we will keep an eye on a most recent ex on social media. Ho
- caught scorpio man in a lie
I'm a scorpio and have been seeing a scorpio man for a while now. first scorpio i've been in a relationship with. yes
- Gem what do you think about threesomes ?
Me I love them and would prefer to have two female partners in my bed instead of one
- Gemini Monthly reading April 2015!!!
Gemini April 2015 overview By Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po3hbxn_ZC0
- Cancer Monthly reading April 2015!!!
Monthly Reading for cancer April 2015 by Elisa Jane Tarot Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YMjgC7n4D4
- Leo Monthly Reading April 2015
Leo April Tarot Scope reading By Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N8qK9f43yA
- Virgo Monthly reading April 2015
Virgo April 2015 By Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSfEohYzoI
- Libra Monthly horoscope April 2015.
Libra Monthly Horoscope April 2015 by Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSfEohYzoI
- Scorpio Monthly reading April 2015
Scorpio Monthly reading April 2015!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw24Y4mAc2M
- Best Match?
I'm sure there's a post on this, but I'm too lazy to scour. Best match for Cancer Men and Cancer Women?
- Sagittarius Monthly reading April 2015
Sagittarius Monthly reading, By Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS82VOmtYGw
- Proof that aries rox
I just found out that my favourite poem was written by an aries guy(William Wordsworth), and felt the need to share that
- Capricorn Monthly Tarot Reading April 2015
Capricorn Monthly Tarot Reading By Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M7TqAqAl-k
- Fixed love
I don't believe in love between Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. (unless synastry is based on other signs in their cha
- Aquarius Monthly Reading April 2015
Aquarius Monthly tarot reading April 2015, by Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSt
- Pisces Monthly reading April 2015
Pisces monthly Tarot Reading April 2015, By Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O89Gsb1M
- Taurus Monthly Tarot Reading April 2015
Taurus Monthly Tarot reading April 2015, by Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!!
- Aries Monthly Tarot Reading April 2015
Aries monthly tarot card reading April 2015, by Elisa Jane Tarot Card Readings!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNt
- Are Aquarians typically cheaters? Help!
Hey guys, been a while. I recently met this awesomely talented and nice Aquarian in my class and we immediately hit it o
- Satan or Aliens?
How I hate this experience with Astrology: I have an idea, I look up, facts confirm my idea. I dig further. Confirmation
- What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
I'm OBSESSED w/ Starbucks. Starbucks makes me happy :) I'm at peace when I'm holding the cup in between my hands warming
- Cheering up a scorpio
There's a guy I'm not really friends with but my boyfriend is, and my bf sucks at cheering people up and giving them adv
- Taurus transits make me feel so lazy
(I think I said that correctly..) I was all gung ho to get butter done earlier today but now this evening I've been a
- vivienne westwood
is probably hands down my favourite Aries designer...I know other signs are known for fashion, but we have our own style
- How to Pursue a Pisces Man?
I have never been involved with a Pisces before so I know little about persueing one. I met this handsome Pisces thro
- Has anyone ever tried/cooked Quinoa?
Hey everyone! Thanks for reading. So, I read somewhere quinoa is so healthy & I wanted to try it. I bought this bag &